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Home News 2012 WUC Equestrian Update: Preparations are going well in Aachen

2012 WUC Equestrian Update: Preparations are going well in Aachen

16 March 2012

Volunteer Anna Schmidt


AACHENFrom the 22nd till the 26th of August 2012, Aachen’s Soers stages student top athletes. Approximately 200 student riders from more than 20 nations will figure out their champion in dressage and show-jumping in the German Bank Stadium. An attractive cultural program with many highlights will supply entertainment on the venue.

After the fourth meeting of the WUEC’s Organizing Committee on February 23rd, executive secretary Nina Zirke (RWTH Aachen University) and technical delegate of the International University Sports Federation (FISU) Daniel Armbruster gave a positive summary of the state of affairs. “I am pleased about the preparations and planning stage of the Organizing Committee. Showing a great passion for detail they set the course for presentingAachen as the perfect host”, said Daniel Armbruster after his visit. Besides looking at the sports venue at the Aachen-Laurensberger Rennverein, he also visited the newly renovated youth hostel that will host athletes and officials. “I am certain that participants will love this bright and generous hostel. They will find the best parameters to fully concentrate on the competition.”

Volunteer at the WUEC: Apply now

Volunteers play an important part in the WUEC since they ensure a smooth run. Sport mass gathering events such as the WUEC are reliant upon voluntary help:Setup and dismantling are just as important as taking care of spectators and honored guests. We are looking forward to working with all committed volunteers”, says Nina Zirke. One may apply for volunteering on our website

High Standards may be expected

Up until now, 23 nations have registered teams for the WUEC and others will follow. “This means, that the WUEC inAachenhas already reached the number of participants of previous university championships”, says Daniel Armbruster with delight. “To many riders it is very special to be running at the worldly-known Soers inAachen. It is considered as the flagship of international equestrianism. Therefore, I am certain that this university championship will be well-staffed:quantitatively and qualitatively.”

German Team seeks Medals

Ireland,Great Britain,Japan,France,Switzerland,Canadaand theNetherlandshave already registered their teams that are very successful in collegiate equestrianism. “These teams will be strong competition to the German team”, explains adh sports director Thorsten Hütsch. “Our ambitious goal is it that our team leaps into the top three.” In order to reach this goal, the best German student riders will be invited to an evaluation course in Warendorf in May. The decision on who will take part in the competition will be made in July 2012.


(Source: 2012 WUC Equestrian LOC)