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Home News Program and Road Map to DAKAR 2012 released

Program and Road Map to DAKAR 2012 released

5 March 2012

 FASU 1st Vice-President and UASSU SG speaking to the press

DAKAR The long awaited general program and roadmap to the 6th Edition of the All Africa University Games (6th FASU Games) scheduled to take place from 11th -20th September 2012, inDakar-Senegal has been released.

After consultations between FASU and the host UASSA (The Host NUSF), the following details were released and circulated to all African nations in a letter from the Secretary General of FASU, Mrs. Peninnah Aligawesa Kabenge.



The accommodation and meals fees: US$ 45 per day payable to the host UASSU

Participation fees: US$ 10 per person for member National University Sports Federations and US$ 20 for non-member NUSFs/FNSUs payable to FASU (once off)

Caution fees: US$ 200 refundable

Dates for the games:                      

Arrival: 10th September 2012

Pre Games Conference: 11th September 2012

Opening ceremony: 12th September 2012

Competition: 12th -18th September 2012

FASU General Assembly: 14th September 2012

Closing ceremony: 19th September 2012

Departure: 20th September 2012


Technical Program:

  • Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Chess, Football, Handball, Judo, Karate, Netball (only Women), Swimming, Table tennis, Taekwondo, Tennis, Volleyball and traditional wrestling(men only).


Deadlines for receiving information:

Intention to participate (P1): 15th March 2012

General Entry form (G1): 15th April 2012

General Entry form (G2): 15th April 2012

Individual Entry form (I): 15th August 2012


More information concerning these games can be found on the FASU website and the one of the hosts . Other inquiries can also be sent to the local Organizing Committee on and or the FASU Secretariat on


(Source: FASU)


 1st Vice-President Senghor presents on the progress of the 6th FASU Games 2012