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Home News 2015 SU Update: GUOC starts with a Comprehensive Operation Plan, launching Building and Marketing Projects

2015 SU Update: GUOC starts with a Comprehensive Operation Plan, launching Building and Marketing Projects

15 February 2012

GWANGJU – At this point, the 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade is 3 years away. In order to welcome 20,000 athletes and officials from 170 countries in July 2015, the Gwangju Universiade Organizing Committee (GUOC) has been concentrating on building the infrastructure for the event; this includes things such as facilities, management systems, human resources, and international networks. So far, the GUOC has completed a master plan and an action plan with 3 times the governmental support other sport events have ever received. As a result of active promotion inKorea and overseas, a foundation for marketing the 2015 Gwangju Universide has been established after the event was introduced toEurope through the Euro Sports TV channel.

In particular, the government has completed the preliminary feasibility test and has set the budget for the event. The foundation for hosting the event successfully has been laid since the apartment rebuilding project for an athlete’s village and new gymnasiums are ready to begin. 

Starting in 2012, the GUOC will devote itself to promoting the brand and marketing to raise awareness of the event.  


Detailed Plans have been completed

Since the organizing committee was formed, the past two years have been a period of preparation for operating the 2015 Gwangju Universiade successfully. The GUOC has finished a comprehensive plan for the event.   

The event requires 73 sports venues including 38 sports arenas and 35 training fields and athlete’s village. The GUOC has chosen the urban regeneration plan by constructing the minimum facilities. Particularly, the Hwajeong Yeomjoo Jugong Apartments, which will be provided to the athletes, are ready for rebuilding since former residents all agreed to move out and Hyundai Construction has signed for the rebuilding project.


Reinforcing the Promotion

In order to raise the level of city awareness and build a foundation for marketing, the GUOC has been promoting the event actively inKoreaas well as overseas since 2010. Last year, the GUOC promoted the event to the participants of the Daegu World Athletic Championships and the 2011 Shenzhen Universiade. The GUOC also attended international events such as SportAccord, AIPS General Assembly, the City Events (in Lausanne, Switzerland) to introduce the Gwangju Universiade and present the preparation process. By creating a slogan for the event, ‘Light Up tomorrow (Light of Creation, Light of Future)”, the GUOC has completed the preparation for marketing.


The Focus of 2012 will be Marketing

Starting in 2012, the GUOC will establish a venue operation plan at each sports venue and create a competition procedure manual by working with sports organizations in 21 sports entries to gear up toward the event. A comprehensive IT system will also be built this year. Nevertheless, the focus of this year will be marketing for hosting a successful event. By the first half of this year, the GUOC will have developed official emblems and mascots for the event, and will start looking for sponsors for the event. Kim Yoon-suk, the Secretary General of the organizing committee, said, “I feel a huge burden to host a profitable event. The only way to have a surplus from the event is marketing. This year, we will concentrate on promoting and marketing the event to lay a firm foundation to ensure that it is a success.” 


(Source: GUOC)