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Home News 2013 SU Update: Kazan 2013: Year in Review and Future Plans

2013 SU Update: Kazan 2013: Year in Review and Future Plans

3 January 2012


KAZAN A video conference session of the Kazan 2013 Supervisory Board took place on December 20th. The session was attended by Minister of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of Russia Vitaly Mutko, Republic of Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov, Minister of Youth, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan Rafis Burganov, Minister for the Interior of the Republic of Tatarstan Asgat Safarov, Minister of Architecture, Construction and Housing of the Republic of Tatarstan Irek Faizullin, Kazan Mayor Ilsur Metshin, Director General of the Kazan 2013 Executive Directorate Vladimir Leonov, his deputies, and also 1st Vice President ofFISU and President of the Russian Student Sports Union Oleg Matytsin.

Director General of the Kazan 2013 Executive Directorate Vladimir Leonov delivered a report titled ‘Progress Report on Preparations for the 27th Summer Universiade:2011 Year in Review’. According to Vladimir Leonov, accommodation of the Games’ visitors still remains one of the most pressing issues. «The room capacity of 3- and 5-star hotels inKazanis insufficient. Currently we are able to accommodate 4,500 people, but we need rooms for 7,000, let alone providing accommodation for such groups as volunteers, artists, support staff, security force members the number of which will reach almost 22,000. Among the options we consider are their housing at children’s camps and health resorts. According to the ticket program, we expect that nearly 35% of all the tickets will be purchased by non-locals and tourists coming to visit the host city. If after phoning to hotels inKazanthey are refused a room, we may lose part of our visitors. Such problem exists», he said.

Speaking about athletes’ catering management, Vladimir Leonov noted:«We need to organize 1,5 mln serves in the Universiade Village, not to mention lunch boxes and field catering at other venues.»

As the head of the 2013 Games Directorate admitted, serious progress is being made in the sphere of transportation services. «We’ve determined official arrival points for visitors and national delegations. They are theKazanInternationalAirport, Kazan Railway Station andMoscowairport. We do realize that 80% of the guests will be using airlines fromMoscow. A program for transporting different client groups is thoroughly developed, 132 air routes have been established», Vladimir Leonov added. It is expected that 525 buses, 1,040 vehicles, 3,260 drivers and transportation maintenance staff will be providing transportation services during the Games.

To facilitate the procedure of entry in the territory of theRussian Federationfor athletes and officials of the 2013 Summer Universiade, a presidential decree project on visa-free entry for members of official delegations was approved and allocated to the Government of Russia. In order to be granted a permission to enterRussia, an athlete needs to submit a valid passport and completed special accreditation card which is currently under development. The accreditation card application forms will be sent out to international university sports federations in advance.

The Director General of the Kazan 2013 Executive Directorate also mentioned that another significant event in the run up to the 2013 Summer Universiade was an arrival in Russia of the first three (out of 12 scheduled to provide broadcasting at the 2013 Summer Universiade) high definition outside broadcast vans (HD OB vans) of the Universiade’s host broadcaster Sports Broadcasting. The same equipment will be put into operation during the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games.

Vladimir Leonov revealed that in the summer of 2012 the first everFISUGala Festival was expected to be held inKazanin the format of ’Student Academy Awards’. Among other events planned for 2012 is hosting of the International Youth Forum with the participation of 300 delegates.

The startup of the Kazan 2013 volunteer recruitment program became a milestone in volunteer movement development. The MakeUReal volunteer selection program was officially launched on September 20, 2011. The online application form for those willing to volunteer for the 27th World University Summer Games in Kazan is available at the official website of the Games Each candidate may create a profile and submit an application through this profile. Presently, Vladimir Leonov said, nearly 5,500 people from 30 countries have already registered to become Kazan 2013 volunteers.

«The coming year of 2012 is going to be a decisive year in the preparation for the Universiade», said the head of the Universiade Directorate. «In 2013 we expect 13,500 guests, 20,000 volunteers, crowds of tourists, visitors of the Universiade and representatives of national sports federations to come toKazan. We need to ensure a proper level of hospitality and services.»

Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov thanked the Kazan 2013 Supervisory Board’s members and Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of Russia for a joint fruitful work and congratulated everybody on the coming New Year. «In 2012 we need to pay attention to issues listed by Vladimir Leonov,» the head of the republic said. «I have no questions to the federal centre, only words of gratitude. We have a whole-hearted support. Everything that needs to be done is done.»

For his part, Vitaly Mutko mentioned the importance of increasing athletic performance training. «We need to test the whole system from arrival to departure, we need to master all functional areas at test events. Nominal lists of volunteers, meet chairmen, sports managers in each area of responsibility must be ready next year. Everything needs to be tested in 2012. Next year we must complete all tasks and goals so that we could say at the end of the year that we are ready to host the Games», the Minister said.

Vitaly Mutko also extended his New Year’s greetings to all citizens of the republic and wished Tatarstan a dynamic development.


(Source: Tatar Inform Information Agency & Media Department of Kazan 2013 Executive Directorate – Image source: Press Office of the Tatarstan President)





Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov


Kazan Mayor Ilsur Metshin