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Home News 2017 WU Update: Organizing Committee has joined HIV Prevention Campaign in Kazakhstan

2017 WU Update: Organizing Committee has joined HIV Prevention Campaign in Kazakhstan

30 November 2011


ALMATY – The 2017 WU Organizing Committee, straight after getting the rights to host the Winter Universiade joined theKazakh Republican AIDS Center social campaign on HIV prevention and decreasing stigma and discrimination against people living with HIV. The aim of this campaign is to attract young Kazakh people to problems of HIV through voices of famous sports people.

Kazakh sports legend Vladimir Smirnov was the first who expressed support for this campaign and agreed to be an ambassador. The Almaty 2017 WU Organizing Committee is going to involve famous Kazakh sportsmen and women and volunteers as well as youth movement ‘Future is Us’ to support activities within UNAIDS global Getting Zero strategy – Zero new HIV infections, Zero AIDS-related deaths and Zero discrimination.

According to Rashid Dyussembayev, representative of the Almaty 2017 WU Organizing Committee, support of the Getting Zero campaign by the Organizing Committee is the part of a broader understanding of Universiade opportunities – it is not only university sports, but promotion of humanistic values in society, especially among young people.


(Source: 2017 WU Organizing Committee)