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Home News 2013 SU Update: First Ever FISU Universiade Debriefing held in Kazan

2013 SU Update: First Ever FISU Universiade Debriefing held in Kazan

21 October 2011

Eric Saintrond, Oleg Matytsin & Liang Daoxing


KAZANThe FISU Debriefing titled ‘Universiade: From Shenzhen to Kazan’ is taking place in the Korston Hotel and Mall in Kazan. During the meeting the Shenzhen 2011 Organizing Committee will share their experience of preparing and hosting the Games with representatives of the Kazan 2013 Executive Committee.

Liang Daoxing, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Committee and Director General of the Executive Office of the Shenzhen Universiade OC, arrived in Kazan at the head of the Shenzhen 2011 representative delegation to take part in the FISU Debriefing. FISU is represented at the meeting by Secretary-General/CEO Eric Saintrond. Among the Kazan 2013 OC representatives attending the event are Oleg Matytsin, 1st Vice President ofFISU, President of the Russian Student Sports Union; Natalia Parshikova, State Secretary and Deputy Minister of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation; and officals of ministries and departments of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan Mayor’s Office and Kazan 2013 Executive Directorate.

Within two-day working sessions the parties will discuss such key activities as operation of the Universiade Village, hospitality and international relations, protocol and medical services, marketing strategies and brand management, coordination of volunteer activities, organization of international conferences, media support, TV and radio broadcasting systems, and of course management of sporting events within the Universiade.

It’s noteworthy that apart from experience exchange rendered by the Chinese colleagues on hosting the Games 2011,Russia’s leading sports managers, athletes and coaches will give a full assessment of the Shenzhen Universiade’s organization, management and staging.


Oleg Matytsin: The FISU Debriefing must become a Tradition

Oleg MatytsinMeetings of OCs for the Universiade must become a tradition forFISU. Such statement was made by Oleg Matytsin, FISU 1st Vice President and President of the Russian Student Sports Union.

«The FISU Debriefing is a unique event that enables to adopt experience of organizing and managing Universiades. The event which is held for the first time ever must become the first step towards creating a single open educational space, which will become part of the FISU International Education Centre as well. I think that the debriefing must become a constituent part of the contract concluded between FISU and the nation hosting a Universiade. It’s notable that the first ever debriefing sees the participation of representatives of China and Russia, the countries that mould the policy and tendencies in university sports development in the world. In both countries university sport is an integral part of youth policy», Oleg Matytsin said.

FISU Secretary-General/CEO Eric Saintrond backed up the words spoken by Mr. Matytsin. «The process of organizing and hosting Universiades must become more open and transparent, mainly due to holding debriefings dedicated to results of past World University Games. Besides, to enable a more intensive experience exchange between University Games organizers we offer to extend the official bidding period from 8 to 14 months. During this period the bidders will be able to attend the Universiade and adjust their own plans in accordance with the gained experience», Eric Saintrond said.

Speaking to the attendees of the debriefing, Oleg Matytsin also revealed FISU’s plans about changing the image of the organization and intention to position itself as an open and modern network of universities. According to the 1st Vice President of FISU, the International University Sports Federation is going to actively involve the young generation into the work. «It’s the generation that determines to a large extent eventual success of the Universiade.World University Games give a powerful impulse to the creation of a new way of thinking among young people. In this regard, the experience accumulated by the Kazan 2013 Organizing Committee during the period volunteers and staff members of the Universiade Directorate are engaged in such largest international sports projects as the Asian Games, Youth Olympic Games represents a unique FISU legacy.»


(Source: Media Department of Kazan 2013 Executive Directorate)



 Vladimir Leonov


Shenzhen OC delegates


FISU Staff members