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Home News NBA AFRICA confirms Support for 6th All Africa University Games, Senegal 2012

NBA AFRICA confirms Support for 6th All Africa University Games, Senegal 2012

20 September 2011

Léopold Senghor, Peninnah Kabenge, Amadou Fall & Ralethe Malumbete


JOHANNESBURG – On 2nd September 2011, FASU represented by President Dr. Ralethe Michael Malumbete, the 1st Vice President Mr. Leopold Senghor and the Secretary General Mrs. Peninnah Aligawesa Kabenge met with the Vice President of the NBA-Africa Mr. Amadou Fall at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Johannesburg, South Africa. The meeting, which took place on the second day of the African edition of the NBA and FIBA’s global basketball development and community outreach program known as ‘Basketball Without Boarders’, aimed at formalizing a working relationship with NBA Africa that will help the two parties develop sport together on the African Continent.

Discussions dwelt on strategically making an alliance that will make basketball in African Universities more vibrant just like the NCAA in theUSA. This shall involve developing national basketball leagues by each NUSF, which shall then drain into regional championships that shall finally engulf into an African University League (Championship) involving regionally selected teams. FASU, through its leadership and management structure shall facilitate the development of basketball at the grassroots by guiding its members to channel athletes through the academic system which “empties” all the youths into the universities. Encouraging students in lower levels of education to participate in sport (in this case Basketball) will ensure a catchment area for universities who need high performing athletes. On the other hand, NBA Africa shall offer support in terms of capacity building for the technical, managerial and administrative sections of this endeavor. Emphasis shall be put on recruitment and empowering nationals of various countries in Africa with skills that can be passed on to fellow country mates in form of coaching courses, leadership, mentoring of players, and life skills which are very essential for the survival of every person. FASU through this alliance shall be able to tap into the strategic partners of NBA Africa for better basketball to be played at university level on the continent.

NBA will use the already existing structures within FASU as a vehicle for sustainable development. Regional seminars and competitions will be organized towards a continental university basketball championship or league. It was confirmed that NBA Africa will play a big role in the basketball games in the 6th All Africa University Games scheduled to take place in Dakar,Senegal in September 2012. NBA Africa is looking at ways they can support the long term planning within FASU Strategic plan.


(Source: Peninnah Kabenge, FASU SG)