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Home News 2013 SU Update: Thousands of Kazan Citizens came to see FISU Flag Relay Kick-off

2013 SU Update: Thousands of Kazan Citizens came to see FISU Flag Relay Kick-off

5 September 2011


KAZAN The FISU Flag, the major symbol of the Universiade, started its trip through the regions of the Volga Federal District of Russia. The Flag Relay kickoff ceremony was held in the main square of the city on Day of Kazan and the Republic of Tatarstan.

Crowds of Kazan citizens gathered in Yarmarochnaya Square, the central square of the city, to greet the FISU Flag Relay motorcade consisting of two BMW cars, a KAMAZ-master team truck and a bus, that brought on its board activists of the Tatarstan Student League and Kazan 2013 volunteers, as well as the President of the Tatarstan Student League Timur Suleimanov and Andrey Demanov, European champion in weightlifting and 2011 Shenzhen gold medallist.

They were joined by Minister of Youth, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan Rafis Burganov, Kazan Mayor Ilsur Metshin and Director General of the Kazan 2013 Executive Directorate Vladimir Leonov.

«This is a great occasion that has gathered us all here. Exactly a week ago the FISU Flag was handed over from Shenzhen toKazan. Today the Flag arrived here, so thatKazancitizens could see it off on a new trip through the cities of our huge homeland. I would like to see the Flag to travel through as many cities as possible, so that as many people as possible could see it and get inspired by the 27th World University Summer Games. Of course, most of them should come to Kazan as spectators and fans, to experience the Universiade that will be as good as the one that ended a week earlier in China», Rafis Burganov said.

For his part, Kazan Mayor Ilsur Metshin confessed, that the moment he was holding the FISU Flag in his hands seemed like an eternity to him. «I want to share this great joy with you and meet with applause the Universiade Flag here, in the very heart of Kazan», he called on the citizens.

The first instance that Gaudeamus Igitur, the anthem of students, was played, the CIT vehicle of Sberbak of Russia, the General Partner of the FISU Flag Relay, appeared inYarmarochnaya Square. Crowds ofKazancitizens met theFISUFlag with ovation and tears in eyes.

«In the 80s I dreamed of seeing the Moscow Olympics. My dream never came true, and today I’m happy to be part of the event, that is not inferior to the Olympic Games in terms of its significance for our country and city. I came to attend the festivities on purpose, I came to see the FISU Flag and embrace the idea that this festive occasion has a lot to do to me and my children. They are dreaming to become Kazan 2013 volunteers», Marina Smirnova, one Kazan City citizen, poured out her feelings.

Her heartfelt words found support among the young generation. «We are not completely aware of the scale of what is happening, but we feel that we witness a historical moment. Our parents tell us with such warmth about the 1980 Olympics, that’s why we are anticipating a huge event, where we are expecting to make thousands of new friends from all over the world. The Universiade is something awesome!», said students, sharing their impression of the event.

Meanwhile, the Flag’s present keepers, representatives of Sberbank of Russia, passed the Flag to 2013 Ambassador Andrey Demanov, who further handed the Flag over to Tatarstan’s Minister of Youth, Sports and Tourism Rafis Burganov and Kazan Mayor Ilsur Metshin. As a representative of Tatarstan students, Timur Suleimanov, President of the Tatarstan Student League, received the Flag from the hands of the officials. Escorted by activists of the Tatarstan Student League and Kazan 2013 volunteers, the FISU Flag started its long trip to the cities of the Volga Federal District.

The ‘Universiade in Your City!’ train departed on August 31st to take representatives of the Kazan 2013 Executive Directorate and the best creative bands of Tatarstan toIzhevsk, the first city of the Volga Federal District on the route of the Flag Relay. On September 1st,Izhevskcitizens were the first to greet the FISU Flag in their city.


(Source: Media Department of Kazan 2013 Executive Directorate)