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Home News 2011 SU Update: FISU President’s Remarks of Final Press Conference

2011 SU Update: FISU President’s Remarks of Final Press Conference

22 August 2011

Claude-Louis Gallien, FISU President, during the final press conference


SHENZHEN – Today, August 22nd, FISU President Gallien hosted a final press conference at the Universiade Main Media Center.

Below you will find Mr. Gallien’s comments.

– First let me give you some figures.

As you may already know, we have smashed the Universiade record of participation.

– The latest statistics released by our International Control Committee report a total of 10,603 participants (151 countries, 7,132 athletes, 3,471 Officials). As compared to the Bangkok Universiade (our previous record), this is 1,597 more participants. This is the first time that the number of participants passes the 10,000 mark, which shows that university sport keeps growing and arousing more and more interest worldwide.

– It is now time to extend our warmest thanks to our Chinese hosts for the huge work they have carried out during these games. It is a tradition to say that the present Universiade is the best ever. Although such comparison can be sometimes barren, this time we have to acknowledge that this Universiade deserves the use of superlatives.

– It is worth mentioning that the city ofShenzhenhas allocated huge investment to reach such a level of excellence.

– The sports program of these games was very ambitious. The rigor of the organization and the efficiency of technical support must be highlighted, even more than the exceptional quality of sports facilities.

– It is indeed a real challenge to manage so many people while coordinating so many events within such a tight schedule.

– The Organizing Committee has perfectly taken up this challenge by offering our athletes excellent conditions of competition.

– The feedback received from all theFISUtechnical delegates and from the heads of delegation was always very positive.

– The presidents of the international sports federations that are part of our program came in large numbers to Shenzhen. This was a way for them to show the importance they give to our Universiade and to see how skillfully our Chinese hosts have organized these competitions.

– It is clear that the city ofShenzhenhas gained fantastic sports facilities, as well as the adapted know-how.

-FISUis quite proud to leave such a legacy, which will, no doubt, benefit Shenzhen’s young people, as well as the city, in the framework of the organization of future international events.

– Our games would not be the same without the support of the volunteers, who form the spine of this huge organization. I would like to pay tribute to their unfailing support throughout these past two weeks.

– With respect to participation, we have had a very high sports level here in Shenzhen, where Universiade records have been beaten in many disciplines, especially in swimming.

– Junior and senior world champions, as well as of Olympic medallists, have mingled with participants who had more modest careers. They were all very happy to share such wonderful moments.

– Another feature of the Universiades is that they enable athletes with very different backgrounds to gather in the same village and share not only sports experience, but also a cultural one.

– As compared to some other international competitions, our university games do not have a result-oriented culture. This relative absence of pressure makes it easier to share experience and learn new things.

– The Universiades are indeed a wonderful school of life. They enable all participants to better apprehend victory and defeat, as well as moments of euphoria and doubt which may happen in professional life.  

– Speaking about the Media, we have in Shenzhen the biggest TV coverage so far in FISU history. UBS as Host broadcaster is providing live feeds from 20 sports (out of 24) to more than 70 countries in the world, with total of more than 300 hours of live signals.

– For the first time, FISU offered on its dedicated website, more than 150 hours of live streaming and 30 hours of Video on Demand content, including Daily highlights (2 times per day 26 min each). By the first report that we had, live streaming was well received in the 5 continents. It gave also the opportunity to families to watch their kids competing.

– As you are well aware, FISU is not only about sport, but also about education and culture.

– In this context, I would like to mention the FISUConference which, once again, was a great success. Featuring the theme “University Sport: From Culture of the “How” to Culture of the “Why”, the conference  gathered over 400 participants (from 43 countries) who came to listen to 50 speakers during four days.

– Finally, the Young Reporters Program, which we have set up in collaboration with AIPS and the Organizing Committee, enabled 60 young journalists to take an active part in our Universiade. During this event they have gained unique experience, which, I believe, will be of great value in their professional life.

– Our attention is now turned towards our next Universiade, which will take place in Kazan,Russia, in 2013.



Leonz Eder, FISU Vice-President was present for his last day as a FISU International Press Committee Chair


Gianni Merlo, AIPS President


Question time


(Photos: Y. Dufour/FISU)