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Home News 2011 SU Update: Top-Notch Polyclinic Looks after Injured Athletes

2011 SU Update: Top-Notch Polyclinic Looks after Injured Athletes

17 August 2011

Adrián Ferreira receives his prescription

SHENZHEN – Athletes from all over that world who are competing at the 26th Summer Universiade inShenzhen,China, are in safe hands. The Medical Center located inside the UniversiadeVillage is first lass and has all the equipment to solve any medical problem that the competitors may face during their performance on the field of play. 

Yesterday, at the 100 meters race, the Paraguayan athlete Adrián Ferreira got injured after 30 meters in his dash at the Main Stadium of the Universiade Sports Center. Even though the pain was killing him, he kept running and finished in fourth place in his heat. After the competition he said: “The tire exploded, but I had to finish. We Paraguayans are like lions, we don’t give up so easily”.

After putting two bags of ice on his right leg, he decided to go the Universiade Village Polyclinic to have a medical check. He was worried and upset because he did not qualify to the next stage, but with his co-team partners supporting him, the smile in his face returned.

He was shadowed by a FISU-AIPS Reporters Team who followed him trough his medical process. First he had to complete a form and got his blood pressure taken. After a few minutes the volunteer said, “second floor please”. Over there, doctors warmed up his injured leg with infrared. After 20 minutes the professionals exclaimed: “You are fine, you can go to rest”. But the pain did not disappear and he wanted an X-ray. After a while he went in to the Ultra Sound room and 10 minutes later the doc showed us the paper with the result and said, “You have a just a contraction. You have an old injury that flared up.” Then, Ferreira remembered that in Buenos Aires, Argentina he had had some problem. Once he finished with that process the Doctor gave him some medicine to recover his sour leg.

It’s good to know, that the players who are a long way from home are all well cared and safe.


(Source: Julio Bonnin, AIPS Young Reporter/Paraguay)


Adrían Ferreira (wheel chair) and Ernesto Stanley arriving at the Universiade Village Polyclinic


Ferreira’s injury is diagnosed with the Ultra Sound