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Home News 2011 SU Update: Paraguayan Athletes Eager to Shine in Shenzhen

2011 SU Update: Paraguayan Athletes Eager to Shine in Shenzhen

15 August 2011

The Paraguayan squad in their Universiade Village room – (f.l.t.r) Jesús Sánchez, Augusto Stanley, Adrían Ferreira & Ernesto Stanley (kneeling) 

SHENZHEN – Most of the people in this world, who do not follow soccer games, might not be able to tag Paraguay on the world map. Probably because they had never heard of it. Nevertheless, the country that is located right in the “Heart of South America” is participating with a small delegation in the 26th Universiade Summer Games of the world in Shenzhen,China.

Paraguay it is not a city in Argentina, and it is not a state from Brazil. Paraguay is an independent country that this year is celebrating its bicentenary, and only two days ago was the birthday of the “mother of cities”, Asunción, Paraguay’s capital and main city.

Adrián Ferreira, Augusto Stanley, Ernesto Stanley and Jesús Sánchez, all hail from Paraguay and were born in Asunción. The foursome is competing in athletics today at the Main Stadium of the Universiade Sports Center. Ferreira and Stanley will run the 100 meters. Then Ernesto’s brother Augusto is running 400 meters. The fourth member of the Paraguayan squad is Jesús Sánchez, who’s a hammer thrower.

Probably “guaraníes” does not bring as many athletes as Brazil,Canada or Russia does, but they definitely didn’t travel 3 days just for holidays. They are here for pride, honor, prestige, and to present Asunción the gold medal for its 474 anniversary. But the most important thing is the quote that brought all of them together: “We must win, but we have adversaries who are human beings. That is why we respect them, and by the example, we will show that with responsibility this world can be a better place without racism, and sports are the greatest ways to spread this message of peace.”

That’s why more than 7,000,000 people are expecting them to qualify to the next round and get in to the final for bringing the gold medal home. They are aware of that, and that is why they are doing their best effort.


(Source: AIPS Young Reporter Julio Bonnin/PAR)