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Home News 2011 SU Update: American Athlete ‘Satisfied’ with Universiade Village

2011 SU Update: American Athlete ‘Satisfied’ with Universiade Village

15 August 2011



SHENZHEN – “I never really expected how big it was and how efficient everything is,” said Jared Reed in an interview.

The American taekwondo athlete referred to the Universiade Village in Shenzhen, China, which houses 10,500 foreign and local participants for the 2011 World University Games.

Despite the jetlag and a massive time difference between his hometown –San Francisco– and Shenzhen, Reed said he was satisfied with the village’s helpful volunteers.

“I like how everybody helps out. Everybody is good at what they do. I was really surprised at how this turned out. You got three people helping one person at a time. It’s very accommodating – I mean, I got my haircut today and I didn’t think they had a barber here,” said the 19-year-old student from American River College.

“Time was the big issue. FromSan Franciscoto here,Chinais nine hours ahead. Waking up at certain times is pretty tough but I’m slowly adapting to the time change.”

Part of Reed’s schedule includes waking up at 7:30 a.m., training for an hour and a half, and joining his team director for a sports psychology meeting.

When interacting with volunteers who do not speak English, Reed improvises with hand signals.

“Language is also an issue. Thank god there’s a few people here who have a little bit of English, so that helps a lot,” he noted.

For easy transportation, a band of shuttle buses carries athletes, coaches, volunteers, and media personnel around key areas of the facility. The village is built on a 492,000 square-kilometer plot.

Reed was also blown away by the Universiade’s petrifying opening ceremony at theShenzhenBaySportsCenter.

“I’ve never experienced that before – to see all the lights and all the people. It was pretty intriguing.”

Reed is among more than 400 delegates from theUnited States. The first event under his sport will start on August 18. He will leave on the 23rd.

‘Wonderful’ Experience for Volunteers

From a volunteer’s point of view, Danny Ho also said he was satisfied with the outcome of the Village.

“Sometimes I’m busy and tired, but the experience is wonderful,” said Ho, a 20-year-old student from Shenzhen University.

He started helping in August 4 and is responsible for assisting media staff towards the complex’s East Gate exit.

“Sometimes I cannot go to my appointment but it doesn’t matter because I chose to help here. I’m glad because I can make friends and communicate.”

Ho hopes to gain pleasant memories from the remainder of the event.

(Source: Christian Cruz, FISU Young Reporter/NMI)