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Home News 2011 SU Update: A Canadian Athlete with Serbian Ties

2011 SU Update: A Canadian Athlete with Serbian Ties

15 August 2011

Boris Bakovic gets ready to receive the ball in the paint


SHENZHEN – In one of the closest and most intense matches of the basketball tournament at the Shenzhen Universiade,Canada defeated the defending championsSerbia 70-67.Serbia went into the second half with a seven point lead and seemed to have control over the Canadians and over the final result.  However,Canada came out strong in the third quarter, took advantage of Serbia’s low shooting percentage and gained the lead. From then on the teams seemed evenly matched, and the result came down to the final few minutes of the game.Canada proved to be the mentally stronger of the two teams and won the match after a nerve-wracking free throw filled finale. One of Canada’s best players was Boris Bakovic, despite the fact that his name would lead fans to believe he’s Serbian. Born inSarajevo, and having spent some time in playing youth basketball in Belgrade, Bakovic considers himself to have both Serbian and Canadian roots and is fluent in both languages.

Following the game, Boris answered some questions about what it meant to represent Canada at the Universiade. “This is a huge competition, and being able to represent Canada is a huge deal for me, as I’m sure it is for all of my teammates. It is the biggest competition I’ve had a chance to participate in so far, along with the last Universiade in Belgrade, a city that I’m very familiar with.”

Bakovic also spoke about the difference in playing basketball for his university team in Canada with playing for his national team here in China. “It is actually hard to compare the two. Basketball at international competitions is always more European-based, so it takes some getting used to.  But at the end of the day, playing for your club and country are very similar.

Canada’s number 13 concluded by describing what it was like to play against Serbiaas a Canadian with a Serbian background. “It’s definitely an interesting experience, I can understand the Serbian players, and we joked around and talked before and during the game. I knew some of them from before and it was great seeing and playing against them.”

(Source: FISU Young Reporter Erin Meagher/CAN and Sonja Nilkcevic/SRB)


 Serbian basketball team before the second half


Canadian team takes a time out to re-group in the third quarter


Serbia vs. Canada in the last couple of minutes of the match