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Home News 2011 SU Update: China based Kenyan Athlete Aims for Gold

2011 SU Update: China based Kenyan Athlete Aims for Gold

14 August 2011

SHENZHEN – Kenyan long distance runner Obed .k. Tiony has spoken out about his chances of success in the 2011 World University Games currently on-going in Shenzhen, China.

Tiony, who is based here in China, is a student at the Shanghai University and he will be participating for his country in the 5,000 and 10,000 meters. Speaking to this reporter at the Athletes’ Village on Saturday, the Kenyan was brimming in confidence before taking on to the tracks on August 17th.

He is quoted as saying “I am expecting a good performance in both the 5,000 and 10,000 meters. Athletics is a matter of confidence”

Despite being his first ever participation in a medal championship, Obed Tioney has experience in running half marathons inChina. “I have ran 3 half marathons since I came toChinaand I think that will help me. It’s going to a different challenge but I am not going to be intimidated”.

Kenya, a well known East African nation for producing world class long distance athletes are hopeful of a podium finish. They arrived in Shenzhen with 9 athletes and more are expected to join the delegation in the next few days. “I and all my colleagues are in good shape to win gold in our various events, we are settling nothing else than for gold”.

Obed .k. Tione will be running his first race on the 17th of august in the 10,000 meters at 4;h30pmChina time.

Kenya is in Shenzhen alongside other renowned marathon countries such as their long standing rivalsEthiopia, who are also hot favorites in the long distance events. Watch out for stiff resistance from other African nations like Morocco, Ghana and Tanzania in the Marathons.


(Source: Abdoulie Bah, AIPS Young Reporter/Gambia)


 A confident Obed k. Tiony