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Home News 2011 SU Update: Also Volunteers Go Crazy at Opening Ceremony

2011 SU Update: Also Volunteers Go Crazy at Opening Ceremony

13 August 2011


SHENZHEN – Section A2 is out of control at the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center. Only one man brings the audience to cheer in the south stand. There is talk of Li Dong. He will be the best man for this night on the audience standing. With a white baseball cap, that bears the logo of the Summer Universiade 2011, he defended himself before the bright sun, which was shining on the young metropolis of Shenzhen this morning.

Now, at the night of the Opening Ceremony of the 26th Summer Universiade 2011, the sun already set on the horizon. With this cap he is only trying to absorb any sweat that runs down his forehead. He is the one that will still care for mood at the stands this night. Li Dong.

In real life he is a student at theUniversityofShenzhen. For this night study books will be pushed aside and he is just full of his favorite pastime: partying! “I love to inspire a crowd, to cheer them and to make them laugh.”

For all this animation he already possesses the skills, i.e. joy, liveliness and a loud voice. This trio is successful. It lets shake the grandstand. Li Dong constantly pushes his black glasses on his nose back. It slides back and forth, because of his dancing performance.

He hops through the ranks, sings the anthem of the Summer Universiade “Start Here” and starts to clap his little hands: “I have been waiting so long for this Universiade, for the many people, who want to venture into town and especially I have been waiting for this special night. The opening ceremony is certainly the highlight for me. I want to enjoy this highlight. Tonight I will pursue my second passion. I like to entertain people.” He tears his hands in the air again and encourages the visitors to throw a wave with their arms.

“After these eleven days, I’ll hide behind my books again and then I will be concentrated on politics!” In order to bring the crowd to sing Li has the props to help him: a rattle, which sparkles in different colors, a little flag of the Summer Universiade 2011, a colorful and bright light torch and thunder sticks. All of these ‘fan jewels’ are ready to use in his white bag that dangles around his right shoulder. He has everything at hand. In row nine he grabs three bright Chinese and rattles in time with the famous song “We will rock you” and enthusiasts the people around them.

Seconds later, there are four rows beating with their rattles and thunder sticks the melody. But that’s not enough. A few steps up, he pulls out his light LED torch and the flag of the Summer Universiade, stretches his arms out in the air and swings them from right to left. The 20-year-old politics student is not easy to stop. He does not seem to notice, that his voice is slowly leaving him. Beads of sweat trickle him along his nose and his chin, but he doesn’t care. Tonight first count is to “Make a difference”! To bring the Shenzhen Bay Sports Center to romp.

Certainly, Li Dong will be in search of his voice in the next days. But this is not important for this moment. Now only one thing counts: to enjoy every second of this moment!


(Source: Nicole Torregrossa, FISU Young Reporter/Germany)



 Li Dong in full action


(Photos: Nicola Torregrossa)