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Home News Catch the Right Moment – EUSA Photo Competition

Catch the Right Moment – EUSA Photo Competition

2 August 2011


LJUBLJANA – Are you a Student, Athlete or associated with a EUSA Championships?

Share your own perspective of this year’s EUSA Championships and sporting events. University sports play an important role in the development of a new and more talented generation. The spirit of cheerfulness, enthusiasm, leadership and social responsibility are key themes.

Do you have a camera and like travelling?

To participate, submit up to 3 photos to the address until the 1st of December 2011. Let us look onto the event with your eyes!

What are the terms to participate?

No images depicting any sort of drugs, alcohol, propaganda, sexually suggestive content or violence are allowed. National symbols are suggested to be escaped on those images which you submit for the Competition.

The winner will get a trip to Maribor, Slovenia to participate in EUSA General Assembly 2012!

Just catch the right moment …and join us in Maribor!

For more information visit


(Source: Andrej Pisl, EUSA Communications)