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Home News 1st AUBVC: Opening Ceremony and Welcome Banquet

1st AUBVC: Opening Ceremony and Welcome Banquet

18 July 2011



LAIZHOU – At 16: 00, the fantastic Opening Ceremony of 1st Asian University Beach Volleyball was staged inSeagull Square, which was decorated with air balloons. Although it rained a while before the Opening Ceremony, the rain never discouraged the passionate audiences and the participants. A huge audience made the atmosphere more cheerful. Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Oman, UAE, Hong Kong, Chinese Taipei, Thailand, Mongolia, Nepal, Korea, and host country China took part in the opening.

All the participating teams marched in according to AUSF Protocol order. The stage was T shaped, which was especially designed for the athletes, because they were the real stars of the day. With the presence of all the participants, the mayor Mr. YANG Hongxu delivered a welcome speech. Mr. CHOW Kenny, AUSF Secretary General, delivered a speech, expressing his gratitude to the Organizing Committee for hosting this championship. He also welcomed all the participating teams. He said he was sure that the young athletes would make the most of this occasion to strive for the best and to enrich themselves through this championship. Finally, Mr. CHOW Kenny invited the OC President YANG Hongxu to declare the opening of this championship. The firework made the ceremony come to a climax. And with the hoisting of AUSF flag, the athletes and referees representatives took the oath. All the participants enjoyed a 40-minute cultural performance.

After the Opening Ceremony, a welcome banquet was hosted in the name of Laizhou Municipal Government for AUSF Guests and all the delegation. Mrs. ZHAN Xiuyun, OC Vice President, delivered a welcome speech. Mr. AL-HAI Omar A. expressed the gratitude, on behalf of AUSF, to Laizhou city and presented an AUSF souvenir to Laizhou Municipal Government and Laizhou Industry Park respectively. The OC also presented a special souvenir for each head of delegation. Everybody present had a happy, comfortable and wonderful evening.

For more information on this championship, please keep on visiting AUSF website


(Source: Laura YAN, AUSF General Coordinator – photos: Ray Xu)


Omar Al Hai