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Home News 2015 SU Update: British Journalists visit Gwangju Organizing Committee

2015 SU Update: British Journalists visit Gwangju Organizing Committee

28 June 2011



GWANGJU – A group of British journalists visited the 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade Organizing Committee. The journalists, including Trish McGuiness (Universal Arts) who specializes in culture and arts in Edinburgh and Glasgow, Anna Burnside (formerly The Sunday Times) and Mark Brown (freelancer for The Herald and Sunday Herald), met Yoon-suk Kim, the Secretary-general of the Organizing Committee to cover the 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade and its preparation.

These journalists visited Gwangju in order to cover both the Universiade, and the story of “Jasmine Gwangju”, a special performance held in Gwangju that will also be shown in the Edinburgh Fringe Festival this August. It centers around the May 18th Democratic Uprising, which played a significant role in the democratization ofKorea, and is a key part of Gwangju’s history and culture.

Gwangju also signed an agreement withEdinburgh, (Scotland,UK) last year to develop a cooperative working relationship with regard to culture and festivals. Both cities will work together to stage a festival during the 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade.

Kim explained how the 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade represents “EPIC” (Eco, Peace, IT and Culture) and that the 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade will enhance Gwangju’s reputation as a cultural hub of Asia, in cutting-edge technologies and so on. He also talked about the two stadiums being constructed for gymnastics and swimming, the renovation work on old apartment buildings which will form the Athletes’ Village and other preparations for the visit of 20,000 young athletes, staff, media and others from 170 countries from all over the world, so that Gwangju will leave an excellent legacy.

Mark Brown noted that everything seemed to be ready and under control, and that it is quite impressive to combine sporting events with culture in preparation for the 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade.

Anna Burnside also said that global events often emphasize the effect of attracting people (tourists) from outside but Anna admired Gwangju for exerting more efforts to make itself known to more people from other places and countries. Anna also added that the 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade will serve as an opportunity to promote its name, brand value and unique culture outside the region. Anna additionally mentioned that she was impressed by the Eco-Universiade and Peace Universiade, as they show that they seek environment-friendliness and advocate peace and democracy.

Additionally, the journalists also visited the Cultural Hall of Asia Exhibition Hall, Gwangju Biennale andGwangjuArt Museumduring their five day stay.


(Source: Gwangju OC)


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