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Home News 2013 SU Update: Young Journalists sharpen their Writing Skills

2013 SU Update: Young Journalists sharpen their Writing Skills

24 June 2011


KAZAN – The 16th Republican Festival of Children’s, Adolescent and Youth Press Altyn Kalem-Gold Quill 2011 was launched at the Volga Youth Sports and Tourist Camp today. Preparations for the 2013 Summer Universiade is one of the key topics of the festival.

«For 15 years Altyn Kalem-Gold Quill 2011 was held in the format of theVolga River cruise», Ministry of Youth, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan said at the opening ceremony. «It is symbolic that today you are to become the first guests of the brand new Volga Camp constructed especially for Tatarstan’s youth. As representatives of the fourth estate, you cover the events that happen everyday in our life and shape public opinion in most key fields. I wish you to gain new experience, make friends and master your skills.»

Rimma Ratnikova, chair of the panel of judges and Head of Tatarstan’s Journalist Union, extended her wishes of success and patience to young journalists. «There are many events happening in our republic and we face a regular lack of media coverage. To become a successful newsperson, one has to work hard with sleeves rolled up. It’s quite possible that not all of you will go into media, but I do hope that all of you become worthy people», Rimma Ratnikova concluded.

Based on the results of the municipal and zonal stages, 65 successful applicants were shortlisted for the final stage of Altyn Kalem-Gold Quill 2011. Within seven days the festival’s entrants are to demonstrate their writing skills in four sections: press, television, radio and photography. The Volga Youth Sports and Tourist Camp has all the necessary facilities for this. There is a multifunctional media centre, an editing room, a photo studio, a radio room, that will facilitate their education process. Young wordsmiths will also have workshops hosted by famous Tatarstan journalists, media representatives and press officers. Apart from the education program, the festival’s entrants will visit the village of Kyrlay, birthplace of the famous Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukay, and meet with People’s Poet of Tatarstan Renat Kharis and representatives of the Kazan 2013 Executive Directorate and Olympic Committee of Russia.

In accordance with a long-established tradition, the program of the festival is focused on media coverage of the most topical events in Russia. This year the festival is dedicated to several occasions: Year of Space Exploration in Russia, Anniversary of the great Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukay and 100th Anniversary of the Olympiс Movement in Russia. Preparation progress of the 2013 Summer Universiade is one of the key topics of the festival. The Kazan 2013 Directorate representatives offered a few topics for coverage: Universiade Champions from Tatarstan, Cultural Universiade: UNI-reserve and UNI-elite, Towards the Universiade: Journalists of All Nations, Unite!

Winners of special Altyn Kalem-Gold Quill 2011 nominations will be awarded an opportunity to take an internship at the Marketing and Media Departments of the Kazan 2013 Executive Directorate and media centers of test events.


(Source: Media Department of Kazan 2013 Executive Directorate – Images: Tatar Inform Information Agency)






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