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Home News 2015 SU Update: Strengthening the Collaborative Relationship between Korean Sport Federations and the 2015 SU

2015 SU Update: Strengthening the Collaborative Relationship between Korean Sport Federations and the 2015 SU

1 June 2011



GWANGJU – The 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade Organizing Committee invited 18 central sports organizations, such as the Korea Association of Athletics Federation, to a discussion session held in Seoul, in order to consolidate cooperative ties between them, which would contribute towards staging a successful event.

The meeting was attended by 40 representatives including Mr. Kim Yoon-suk, Secretary General of the Organizing Committee, Mr. Kim Hong-sik, permanent Vice-President of Gwangju City Sports Association, and 18 Executive Directors and Secretary Generals of 18 central sports organizations. Together they discussed important issues, opinions and cooperative plans for the 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade to be hosted successfully.

In his speech, Mr. Kim Yoon-suk insisted the need for cooperation between sporting organizations, and that they should work together for the good of the event, which is why cooperation would be required more than ever.

The Executive Director of the Korea Association of Athletics Federation said that facilities, advertisement, management and smooth running sporting contests are very significant for the success of events, and promised to fully support for the Universiade by establishing close ties between the Organizing Committee and sports organizations.

Central sports organizations are supposed to play a role in managing the actual sporting events during the 2015 Gwangju Summer Universiade.


(Source: GUOC)