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Home News 2011 SU Update: City plans Disease Control for Games

2011 SU Update: City plans Disease Control for Games

31 May 2011

SHENZHEN – A disease control plan has been devised ahead of the Universiade, the City Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced last Friday.

The center will closely monitor and make public any outbreak of infectious diseases as well as the safety of drinking water, food and hygiene in public venues, the Daily Sunshine reported Saturday.

Six contingency teams of eight professionals have been established for emergencies.

The population density around Games venues, designated hotels and hospitals will be monitored as part of the aforementioned plans.

A risk evaluation report was drafted based on food poisoning data over the past five years recorded by the CDC.

Inspections for unsafe additives would be conducted on food provided at Wuzhou Guest House, the principal hotel officially designated for the Games.

The quality and hygiene of air-conditioning systems would also be monitored at Games venues.


(Source:Shenzhen Daily | Editor:Wang)