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Home News 2011 SU Update: Heads of Delegation visit Shenzhen Venues

2011 SU Update: Heads of Delegation visit Shenzhen Venues

15 April 2011

SHENZHEN – Yesterday, April 14th, the Heads of Delegation toured the city to visit some of the main venues of the 26th Summer Universiade. They inspected the Main Media Centre, the Universiade Centre and the Athletes’ Village.

The delegates were amazed with the Universiade Center, which includes a stadium, a gymnasium, a natatorium and a media center. The Universiade Center will be the venue for basketball, swimming, football and track-and-field events. “I was most impressed by the design of the stadium,” said Al Araimi Salim, Head of the Oman delegation, who will bring about 80 athletes to Shenzhen.


While most visitors spoke highly of the venues, some expressedtheir concern. During his visit of the athletes’ apartments in the Village, Olaf Tabor, Head of the German delegation said a clear policy was needed for room allocation, which could be a problem. In response, Zhou Yanbing, director of the Athletes’ Village department, said allocations would be conducted according to Rooms in the VillageFISU suggestions. “All the 4,996 rooms would be open for booking on the official Web site of the organizing committee from June,” Zhou said. Tabor also said the rooms seemed small for two athletes. The small rooms were designed to accommodate two beds and two wardrobes. The village is expected to house about 13,000 athletes and officials from more than 100 countries and regions. Germany plans to send 140 to 150 athletes to the Games, according to Tabor.

Today, the delegation heads and members are due to visit the Games venues in Nanshan, Futian and Yantian Districts. Tonight, a concert featuring colorful lighting and fountains is scheduled to mark the official completion of the Universiade Center and the Athletes’ Village.


(Source: Shenzhen OC)


The Universiade Center


The natatorium

‘A total of 118 countries and regions have confirmed their participation in the Shenzhen Universiade’, said Huang Guoqiang, vice head of the executive office of the Universiade OC. Huang was speaking at the opening of the HoD meeting on Thursday. The meeting was attended by delegations from 52 countries and regions, as well as FISU officials. The OC had sent invitations to university sports associations in 201 countries and regions. Of them 118 have confirmed their participation so far.

There will be 24 sports in 306 events at the Shenzhen Universiade, a record number for the Games.

Between May and July, 24 trial events are scheduled. The Games’ flame was scheduled to be lit at Qinghua University on April 25th and the torch relay is due to start at Beijing University on May. 4th.

 Delegations’ Offices

(Photos: Ren Yuan)