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Home News 2011 SU Update: Birth of the UNIRoos

2011 SU Update: Birth of the UNIRoos

12 April 2011

QUEENSLAND – The Australian team selected to travel to the 2011 Summer Universiade in Shenzhen, China, will be part of a new era in Australian university sport, being the first to compete as the “Australian Uniroos”. 

Travelling to the event in early August, Australian team management hopes that the new team name will give this, and future teams a new sense of identity when competing in international competitions.

“The name Uniroos combines “university” with one of Australia’s iconic animals, the kangaroo, and is a perfect fit for our team. We hope that this team and teams in the future will be proud to represent Australia as an Australian Uniroo”, said Australian University Sport (AUS) high performance manager Siobhan James.

“This new name, and the accompanying logo, will build on the already strong team mission and values, and the pride felt by students who compete for Australia”, added Mrs James.

The name was selected following a nationwide competition amongst Australian universities. 

To compliment the new name, a distinctive logo has been developed to be sported by the team on their uniforms. Maintaining the team’s ties to AUS, the traditional kangaroo remains, with the flame replaced by that most iconic Australian symbol, the Southern Cross.

Selections are underway for the Australian team to compete in the Summer Universiade in Shenzhen, China, which will be held from 11 – 23 August 2011.


(Source: Sarah Wordsworth, AUS Media & Marketing Coordinator)





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