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Home News 2011 WU Update: Observers Future WU visit the Athletes’ Village

2011 WU Update: Observers Future WU visit the Athletes’ Village

4 February 2011


ERZURUMToday, February 4th, delegations of the Organizing Committees of the 2013 and 2015 Winter Universiades (Maribor and Granada) as well as one of the bidding candidates for 2017, Trentino, visited the Athletes’ Village as part of the FISU WU Observer program.

Guided by CSU Vice-Chair Leonz Eder and SU Director Marc Vandenplas, who supervises the Village, the delegates visited the different parts of the wonderful Erzurum Athletes’ Village: the accreditation center, the restaurant, the medical center and a typical room for the athletes.

Until the end of the Games the Future OC delegates will visit the venues to have a clear idea of the magnitude of the Winter Universiade.


C. Pierre, FISU Press Officer





 Marc Vandenplas & Leonz Eder with the rep of the medical service in the Village