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Home News 2011 WU Update Day10 – Freestyle Skiing – Ski Cross

2011 WU Update Day10 – Freestyle Skiing – Ski Cross

3 February 2011

Manuel Eicher (green bib) flying for the Gold Medal

My best Result !

ERZURUM – February 5th- There was quite a crowd to see the show at the Ski Cross final, which is always spectacular. In the Women’s event, the Final was dominated by the Manhard Sisters. Indeed Christina and Julia Manhard from Germany gained the Gold and the Silver Medal respectively followed by Dania Vasilyeva from Russia. Zeynep Severge from Turkey missed the podium but was the star of the day.

The men’s final was really outstanding with suspense till the end. Manuel Eicher from Switzerland managed to catch the Gold Medal, he was followed by Georgy Kornilov (RUS) and Olivier Fabre (FRA). “I’m quite happy of course, the level was high and I had difficult moments before this Universiade. This is my best result. I love Erzurum and I can tell you that the atmosphere at the Village is fantastic”. These were the words of the winner just after the flowers ceremony.

(Y. Dufour, FISU Editor)

The Men’s Podium

The Women’s Podium