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Home News 2011 WU Update: Scientific Conference Opens

2011 WU Update: Scientific Conference Opens

24 January 2011



ERZURUM Today, January 24th, the Scientific Conference was officially opened in the presence of the Governor of Erzurum Sebahattin Öztürk and FISU President George E. Killian. The general theme of the conference is ‘The Impact of University Sport on Regional Development and Health’.

Prof. Dr. Hikmet Koçak, Rector of the Atatürk University and Chairman of the Conference welcomed the attendants and the FISU Executive Committee members. ‘Sport has a multi-dimensional importance in human life’, the Rector said in his speech. ‘Since the beginning of mankind, sport is used for personal benefits such as health and entertainment, international activities like competitions and even international trade. Sport is especially important for developing youth. It is proven that students engaging in sportive activities are more successful in cognitive behavior. My colleagues and I are giving the utmost importance in supporting sports events and related scientific activities.’


An Erzurum folk dance group made a performance at the opening


After a welcome speech from the Governor, the floor was given to 1st Vice-President Gallien, Chair of the CESU. ‘University Sport is much more than sport. University Sport intends to maximize the positive impact of sport, and to minimize the negative impact of globalization on cultural, social, economical and environmental patterns. University Sport also intends to contribute in protecting the health, wellness and lifestyle of the humans’, Mr. Gallien said

During this conference, the following topics will be discussed:

-The importance of the Winter Universiades in the program and history of FISU;

-The economical and social potential impact of mega sporting events like the Winter Universiade on the organizing cities and regions, with special attention for the contribution of University Sports in Turkey,

FISU President George E. Killian

– How it is increasingly essential to give ethics and sports values a prominent place in education and to protect human individuals’ health, human societies and human environment from the disorders linked with the excesses of global world values.

Finally, FISU President Killian stressed the importance of University Sport and praised the OC for its vision and investment to make Erzurum a fantastic Winter Sport centre.


C. Pierre, FISU Press Officer