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Home News 2nd Online World University Bridge Championship

2nd Online World University Bridge Championship

10 January 2011

BRUSSELS – 34 university bridge teams from 4 continents will participate in the 2nd Online World University Bridge Championships. It is the highest participation ever in a university bridge event. A lot of countries that never participated before in any university bridge competition are now participating, such as India, Australia, Venezuela, Bulgaria.

The tournament will be played following FISU rules. The knock-out championship will start in January 2011 and all results will be published on the facebook page “UNI BRIDGE”.

At the moment, nearly 200 students are connected to this “UNI BRIDGE” page and they will be able to read the results there.

A new website (more modern after 10 years of operations) has also been created for university bridge: which replaces the old


(Source: Geert Magerman, FISU Technical Chair for Bridge)


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