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Home News 2011 WU Update: PM Opens Facilities

2011 WU Update: PM Opens Facilities

10 January 2011

PM Papandreu & PM Erdoğan


ERZURUM – Turkish PM Erdoğan and Greek PM Papandreu opened the 10 facilities of the 25th WU together. The Opening Ceremony took place at the Erzurum Stadium, where the Opening Ceremony of the 25th Winter Universiade will be staged as well. The Ceremony was followed by Turkish and Greek TV and was attended by MP’s, Turkish Ambassadors and many citizens.

‘Erzurum is breaking its shell. It opens to the world. It’s the biggest investment that has been made in the history of the Turkish Republic’, Governor Sebahattin Öztürk said. ‘Erzurum is now becoming the center of winter sports and winter tourism in Turkey. I believe we will host a successful Universiade. I’d like to thank PM Erdoğan for all his efforts and his support.’

‘Today, Erzurum is living one of its important historic moments’, PM Erdoğan commented. ‘We are hosting a very important guest – PM Papandreu – here today. I also like to thank the people from Dadaş for showing their great hospitality here in this cold weather. The Olympics were held in Greece. At the moment you see the 2011 emblem in every corner of Erzurum. This emblem represents the five continents and the continent’s friendship. In 3 weeks time student-athletes from 5 continents will come together in Erzurum. The heart of sport will beat in Erzurum. Erzurum is proud of hosting such a major sports event. As a Government we are proud of bringing the Universiade to Erzurum.’

‘Today, Erzurum lives a combination of a great pride. We are also witnessing the success story of Erzurum. One of the biggest sports investments that has been held for the city’, said Minister Özak. ‘While we are welcoming Greek PM Papandreu, 9 of our national skiers are in Greece to participate in the Balkan Continental Cup. In 3 weeks time the world will focus on Erzurum. Erzurum will be hosting 3,000 participants from 57 countries. Millions of sports fans will have the chance to watch the games through the work of 1,500 media members. It will be a record in FISU’s history. We hosted many important sports organizatios and we’ll continue to do so. In July we’ll be hosting the European Youth Olympic Festival in Trabzon. With the World Basketball Championship organisation we were appreciated by the public. We have costructed new facilities in Erzurum. Many buildings have been extended and renewed. We are trying to bring winter sports to the entire region as Erzurum, Ağrı, Bayburt, Van, Kars, Sarıkamış.’

At the end of the ceremony both Prime Ministers held the opening together. Other openings were done simultaniously at the Erzurum City Council, the ski jumping towers, the ıce hockey arenas, the figure skating arena, the curling arena, Konaklı ski center, the 3 new lifts in Palandöken Hınıs Boğazı district, the artificial snow system and snow parks, the Kandilli cross-country venue and the alpine ski center, the 3,000-capacity Athletes’ Village and the Cemal Gürsel Stadium.

 (Source: 2011 WU Media Dept.)



 Minister Özak