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Home News CBDU Celebrates ‘Best of 2010’

CBDU Celebrates ‘Best of 2010’

20 December 2010



SAO PAULO – Athletes, officials and authorities linked to university sport attended and participated in the Awards Ceremony ‘Best of the Year 2010’, sponsored by CBDU on November 16th, in Sao Paulo.

During the event, the CBDU awarded and paid tribute to athletes in 16 sports categories during the 2010 season and also to the technical committees and teams who represented Brazil in international tournaments: FISU’s World University Championships, Basketball Pan American Games and South American Universities Games.

Valerie Schmidt (Futsal), Nivalter Santos (Canoeing), and Valeria Kumizaki (Karate) received double awards as top performer in their sport and as medalists at the 2010 World University Championships.

Moacir Zimmermann (Athletics) and Walter Mori (Tennis) received for the second consecutive year the Award of ‘Best of the Year’. ‘Last year I had the opportunity to represent Brazil at the Universiade in Belgrade and this year I won the individual title at the South American University Games. To receive this award again is an encouragement to continue training and get even better results for Brazil’, Walter Mori, student of FAE, Curitiba (PR) said.



CBDU also awarded the Efficiency Trophy to universities and University State Federations that performed better in the 2010 season.

Between the universities, Faculdade Maurício de Nassau (FMN), from Pernambuco, assured the Efficiency Trophy 2010 with 445 points. UniSant’anna (SP), with 439 points, and Catholic University of Brasília (UCB), with 239 points, came in second and third place respectively.

CBDU President & FISU Vice-President CabralIn the University State Federations classification, the University Sports Federation of São Paulo (FUPE) totaled 663 points in competitions and won the CBDU Efficiency Trophy. The University Sports Federation of Santa Catarina (FCDU), with 574 points, and Pernambuco Sports Federation (FAPE), with 512 points, secured second and third position overall.

‘The purpose of this Award is involving the segments around university sport and encourage our young athletes. And in this second year of the Award we are celebrating record numbers of participants in events and competitions and have a growing interest of educational institutions, sports federations and government and private partners to meet and participate in CBDU projects’, CBDU President Luciano Cabral explained.


(Source: Polyanna Padua, CBDU Media Officer)

(Photo Credits: Wander Roberto)