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Home News 2011 WU Update: TRT Continues Live Broadcast

2011 WU Update: TRT Continues Live Broadcast

7 December 2010


ERZURUM – TRT, the host broadcaster continues to promote the 2011 Winter Unviersiade with weekly live broadcasts from the different facilities of the Games. This week, TRT correspondent Murat Kaban hosted Yakutiye Mayor Ali Korkut, Provincial Director of Youth and Sports Fatih Çintimar, Director of Volunteer Committee Nurinisa Esenbuğa and Environment Committee Director Zeynep Eren.

Mayor Korkut: ‘Preparations are continuing at full speed’

Yakutiye Mayor Ali Korkut provided information about the works performed by local governments at the city center. Mr. Korkut said that landscaping works which are carried out around the Yakutiye Madrasah and Lalapaşa Mosque are still in progress. ‘As local government we are also continuing our works on lighting, paving and asphalt both in the city center and Cumhuriyet Street. In addition as Yakutiye Municipality, we are also conducting works in order to bring out the beautiful face of Lalapaşa and Yakutiye Madrasah.Our aim is to bring out the beauty of these landmarks which are situated in the most beautiful part of the city and convert it into a visual show. We have also removed about 700 abandoned buildings in the city center and we are in an effort to speed up the urban transformation.’

Çintimar: ‘Official Opening of the Facilities on January 7th’

Provincial Director of Youth and Sports Fatih Çintimar stated that all the construction of the facilities has been completed. The official opening will be held on January 7th. ‘At the moment all works have been completed 100%. Only the furnishing inside the facilities is still in progress. These preparations will be completed at the end of this month. So far, two test events has been held in our facilities. Assessment of these competitions shows that we are ready for the Winter Universiade.’ When asked the question whether they will face any problems due to the temperature being above the normal season, Mr.Çintimar answered: ‘We have no concern about snowing. There is still some time for the snow season to start, we expect to snow in the  first week of January. After that the amount of snow will do its job. If needed we have an artificial snow system in place on all our tracks.’

Esenbuğa: ‘Volunteer Application will end on December 10th’

Director of the Volunteer Committee Nurinisa Esenbuga said that the applications will close on December 10th. Esenbuğa stated that the applications were much more then they have expected. ‘In the sport organisation 60 % of the success belongs to the volunteers. For our organisation 6,500 volunteers have applied. From these volunteers we’ll select 2,011.10% of our volunteers will be choosen from outside the city. We have many different volunteer profiles such as housewifes ,students and a wide range of professions.’

Eren: ‘Our Organisation is enveronmentally sensitive’’

‘We have conducted many environmental projects and the last one was ‘White Erzurum, Green Universiade’, Environment Director Zeynep Eren explained. ‘Our aim is to show how sensitive our organisation is towards environment. We will collect all the solid waste from the facilities and Athletes’ Village and recycle it. Apart from that we have created a forest around the jumping towers on November 20th. We also collected the stray animals around the facilities and will organize various environmental studies. One of them will be to explain the citizens the damage of plastic bags to the environment and we’ll distribute cloth bags instead.’

(Source: 2011 WU Media Dept.)