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Home News 2010 WUC Equestrian Update: Opening & Day 1

2010 WUC Equestrian Update: Opening & Day 1

31 October 2010


SANGJU – Beginning in the late afternoon just before the opening ceremony, the first results of the WUC were already known. Following the opening ceremony, the FISU Technical Delegate Mr. Armbuster conducted the draw for the 2nd round.

The Opening Ceremony took place in the magnificent setting of the new equestrian center in Sangju and was attended by numerous dignitaries. There were also some 2,500 spectators present which is unprecedented in the history of university riding. The students-athletes were very much impressed by this number of spectators who also attended the first day of competition.

The protocol part of the Opening Ceremony was held in full conformity with the spirit that FISU wishes to transmit at each ceremony. The Chairman of the Organizing Committee and Mayor of the City of Sangju spoke first to thank the authorities for their support without which this event could not take place. He also stressed the importance of organizing this kind of event for the development of his city. He also thanked the participants for coming from three continents for making this championship the second largest since its inception.

Mr. ChowHe then gave the floor to Mr. Kenny Chow, FISU EC member, who thanked the governor and the minister of sports and Mr. You, KUSB President because of the importance they attach to the development of university sport. He also thanked the volunteers and the delegations on behalf of FISU President Killian. He stressed the fact that this championship is the last in a year dedicated the FISU World University Championships. A year full of positive experiences that no doubt will leave an unforgettable memory to many of our student-athletes. He then formally invited the Minister for Culture Sport and Tourism, Mr. Yu In-Chon, to open the Championship. A thunderous applause followed and then the FISU flag was hoisted.

After the protocol part, the ceremony was devoted to cultural performances where delegations and authorities were able to attend demonstrations of equestrian martial art, modern dance and taekwondo while the Opening Ceremony ended with a concert.


(Source: Laurent Briel, WUC Director)



Dressage competition


The Minister opens the WUC


A big crowd turned up




Results Day 1