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Home News Universiade Seminar in Stockholm – Day 2

Universiade Seminar in Stockholm – Day 2

21 October 2010

Stefan Bergh, FISU Vice-President; Birgitta Ljung, Vice-President Swedish Sports Confederation; Eric Saintrond SG/CEO FISU & Johanna S:t Clair Renard, President Swedish University Sports Federation 

STOCKHOLM The second day of the Universiade Seminar in Stockholm, Sweden attracted some 30 participants, most of whom were representatives from other sports federations with an interest in future Universiades. Among them former Olympic Champion Ulrika Knape Lindberg was one of the participants, in the capacity of head coach for diving. The program started with FISU Secretary-General/CEO Eric Saintrond giving an introduction to FISU and its activities. Then Erik Strand, Secretary-General of the Swedish Sports Confederation, had a lecture about good leadership, followed by Peter Reinebo, Sports Director at the Swedish Olympic Committee, who described how their delegation officials work before and during the Olympic Games.

Johanna S:t Clair Renard, President of the Swedish University Sports Federation, presented the ambitious vision of the federation to become world leading in managing Universiade delegations and what measures have been taken so far. Josef Åhman, Secretary-General of the Swedish Federation, concluded the day by giving specific information about the 2011 Universiades.

FISU Vice-President Stefan Bergh put the efforts that Sweden is doing now in a historical context, pointing out that huge steps have been taken recently regarding participation, winning medals and arranging international university sports events in Sweden. ‘I also think that this Universiade Seminar is a brilliant initiative. The fact that so many federations participate shows that there is a great potential to continue increasing the size and quality of Swedish Universiade delegations.’

(Source: Josef Åhman, SAIF Secretary-General)



Former Olympic Champion Ulrika Knape Lindberg