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Home News 3rd AUSF Basketball Championship

3rd AUSF Basketball Championship

8 October 2010



CHINESE TAIPEI – “This is the first time we won the game since we came to Chinese Taipei. We all are very happy.” Said the coach of Thailand after defeating Hong Kong and winning the game at the round of the places of 5-7.

Although at the previous game Thailand lost 5 points to Hong Kong, this game with Hong Kong seems quite different from the last one. Despite the fact that they fell behind at the first half of the game, Thailand reversed the situation with 21:10 in their favor at the 3rd session of the game. Only one minute before the end of the game, with Wutipong Dasom’s goal and Kannut Samerjai’s free shot of 2 points, Thailand seized the victory from Hong Kong by 67:63. When the game was over, all members went wild with excitement. “Everyone in the team is important. The victory is the result of all-out effort they have exerted.” said the coach.

Besides elite players, Thailand has many all-star players. No. 5 player, Autman Al Mabruk is a player who has often appeared in TV shows. He is also a model. The 19 year-old obtained 10 points, 4 rebounds, 2 steals and 2 assists. He was surprised himself about how he obtained 10 points, saying “I feel a little bit nerves when I get into the court. Nevertheless, I am proud of having performed so well.”

Known as “Little Prince of Thailand” in Chinese Taipei, Kannut Samerjai himself is a movie star. He has acted in a basketball movie titled “Fireball”. During the Championship, he was always surrounded by his fans.


(Source: AUSF)