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Home News 2010 WUC Boxing Update: Meetings

2010 WUC Boxing Update: Meetings

4 October 2010

General Meeting


ULAANBAATOR – This day was devoted to pre-competition meetings. The CISCA meeting was led by its Chair Mr. Hisato Igarashi (FISU Assessor) in the presence of:
            Mr. Adam Kusior (AIBA delegate)
            Mr. Bayasgalan Danzandorj (NUSF President & FISU Treasurer)
            Mr Eduard Abdulmanov (CTI Chair Boxing)
            Mr Shen Zhen (CIC delegate)
            Dr. Tapio Kallio (CM delegate)
            Mr Jargalsaikhan Dorjsuren (Secretary-General NUSF & OC)
            Mr Bayasgalan Sandag (Mongolian Boxing Federation)
            Mr Nandigjav Tsevegsuren
            Mr. Laurent Briel Director WUC

The CISCA MeetingAt this meeting all issues concerning the conduct of the championship were discussed. The officials and athletes are housed in Hotel Bayangol. The hotel is 5 minutes away from the competition which has been beautifully arranged for the championship.

During the rest of the day Mr. Shen Zhen continued to accredit delegations. Boxing is a very popular sport in Mongolia and Mongolia has won many medals at every level in the sport.

The Minister of Sport visited the stadium this morning to make sure everything was in place for the championship and also presented the official outfit of the Mongolian delegation.

CIC member Shen Zhen controlling the accreditationsThe end of the day was devoted to a general workshop. Mr. Hisato Igarashi warmly thanked the delegations for coming to Mongolia for the championship that has found its place in the sports program of FISU. He then gave the floor to Mr Eduard Abdulmanov the FISU technical delegate for Boxing and Mr. Adam M. Kusior, the AIBA delegate to explain the technical aspects of this championship. The OC then explained the various logistical aspects of the event.

Much media coverage is planned for this WUC. Two television stations as well as the print media will follow the entire tournament.

(Source: Laurent Briel, WUC Director) 

 boxing 2010


 The WUC Hotel


The Competition Venue

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