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Home News 13th ODUCC Games Open

13th ODUCC Games Open

3 October 2010


SANTO DOMINGO On October 1st took place in Santo Domingo, the Opening Ceremony of the 13th edition of the ODUCC Games. 19 countries from Central America and the Caribbean countries gathered in the oldest university of the American continent, the Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo, founded on October 28th, 1538, for ten days of competition in 12 different sports.  At the occasion of the 40th anniversary of ODUCC, a Conference of Rectors is organized for the first time. 

FISU President KillianThe FISU President, George E. Killian took the floor at the Opening Ceremony after the Minister of Sports, Felipe Payano and the ODUCC President Sotero Vasquez. Amongst the members of the FISU Family in attendance, are Mr. Luciano Cabral, FISU Vice-President, Julio Jakob ODUPA President, Eduardo Ramirez and Ronald Harrigan members of the CIC.


(Source: Kolë Gjeloshaj, FISU Director Educational & Development Services)