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Home News 2010 WUC Sport Shooting Update: Meetings and Ceremonies

2010 WUC Sport Shooting Update: Meetings and Ceremonies

15 September 2010

Opening Ceremony


WROCLAW The competition of the 3rd edition of the World University Sport Shooting Championship is ready to take-off. Yesterday, September 14th, the WUC was officially opened with the traditional Opening Ceremony which took place at the end of a day dedicated to meetings and training opportunities for the athletes.

The delegate of the CIC, Mr. Gabraliauskas had two long days to accredit the delegations who came in numbers to the championship. More than 350 participants from 26 countries responded to the invitation of the OC. This latest success for the 3rd edition of this FISU WUC demonstrates once again that sport shooting is a popular university sport.

We also note the support of the ISSF and the remarkable work done by our technical delegate Mrs. Ertlova.

CISCA MeetingThe CISCA meeting took place in the FISU Hotel. The meeting was chaired by Mr. Sinisa Jasnic with the following people present:
Mr. M. Dymalski, President OC
Mr. A. Roczek, Vice President OC
Mr. Tapio Kallio, CM member
Mr. Gabraliauskoas excused
Mrs. Ertlova CTI Chair
Mr. Laurent Briel Director WUC

At this meeting a general review of the organization was made and in general the CISCA was very satisfied with the level and quality of the organization. The delegations were also very satisfied by the work done by the OC. Evidence hereof were the very few questions at the general meeting led by our Technical Chair for Sport Shooting.

Mr. DymalskiOpening Ceremony

The Opening Ceremony was held in the beautiful historical center of Wroclaw. The organizers had to face the daunting weather conditions, which however did not diminish the charm of the Ceremony. The Chairman of the Organizing Committee Mr. Dymalski thanked the authorities and also the academic authorities of Wroclaw University of Economics for their support in organizing this FISU championship. FISU Assessor Mr. Jasnic then took the floor to thank the many participants for their attendance and also stressed the importance of AZS in the dynamism of FISU. He then invited the Mayor of Wroclaw Mr. Rafal Dutkiewicz to declare the championship open.

The ceremony ended with a cultural program consisting of a classical music concert led by the Military Band from Zagan followed by a concert of Ukrainian singer MS. Ludmila Yasinski and her group.

(Source: Laurent Briel, FISU Director World University Championships)



 General Meeting




Mr. Jasnic (r) presents a FISU souvenir to the Mayor