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Home News 2010 WUC Badminton Update: Opening Ceremony and First Competitions

2010 WUC Badminton Update: Opening Ceremony and First Competitions

7 September 2010

The delegations at the Opening Ceremony

TAIPEI CITY The group games started just on time today, September 7th at the Taipei Sports Office Hall. By 9 am the teams went on court where the rivalry for points was played out across four courts.

The Opening Ceremony of the 11th World University Badminton Championship was organized at 2 pm. The FISU Family, the CTUSF staff and the players from 21 countries gathered together and celebrated the beginning of this biennial event.

The ceremony started with the national anthem of Chinese Taipei, and the flag of the host country was raised at the same time. After that, referees and players marched into the stadium and received resounding applause from the audience.

The President of CTUSF as well the President of the Organizing Committee Kunning Chen introduced the important guests at the ceremony. He also welcomed all the players and wished them good luck and a successful performance. 

The Deputy Secretary-General of Taipei City, Yong-Jan Chen and the Minister of Sports Affairs Council Ms Hsia-Ling Tai both gave a hearty welcome speech.

The competition venueOn behalf of the FISU representatives, Mrs Alison Odell, FISU Assessor addressed a welcome speech to all participants and volunteers. She gave special thanks to the host country and the Organizing Committee. She celebrated the fact that this was the start of the second decade for badminton as a championship sport in FISU, and again wished the players success, fun, and friendship.

Before she gave the floor to the Ovid J.L. Tseng, the Minister without Portfolio, Mrs. Odell gave him the FISU plaque in thanks for Chinese Taipei and Taipei’s contribution to this FISU Badminton event. Mr Tseng declared the opening of the championship, and as he did so he punched the air, shouting “I declare the 11th World University Badminton Championship opened” in high spirits, and everyone in the hall applauded loudly and appreciatively.

The TPE player Shao-Chieh Cheng took the oath for the athletes as the TPE referee Pan-Hsien Kuo did the same for the umpires and referees.

At the end of the ceremony, the host presented the cheerleading squad and an amazing lion dance, the traditional cultural performance, to the guests. Mrs Odell and Mr Tseng were invited to give a brief badminton rally demonstration, making a perfect ending to the ceremony.


Mrs Alison Odell awarded FISU commemorative medals to WUC authorities  


After the official part of the Opening Ceremony the FISU representatives had an opportunity to have a short meeting with their distinguished hosts. During the meeting Mrs Alison Odell awarded the Deputy Secretary-General of Taipei City Yong-Jan Chen and the Minister of Sports Affairs Council Hsia-Ling Tai as well as the deputy of the Minister of Education Tsai-Sun Wu with the FISU commemorative medals. 

The WUC can be followed via the website of the OC at and at


(Source: Michal Buchel, FISU Sports Manager & Alison Odell, FISU Assessor)



 FISU Assessor Alison Odell


President of the OC Kunning Chen


Deputy of Secretary-General of Taipei City Yong-Jan Chen