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Home News 2010 WUC Futsal Update: Day 4 of Competitions

2010 WUC Futsal Update: Day 4 of Competitions

28 August 2010



NOVI SAD Yesterday, August 27th, the fourth day of competitions was played at the 12th World University Futsal Championship. 

Men’s Tournament                                                    

Quarter-Finals Upper Part for 1st to 8th Place

POL vs UKRPOL – UKR: 1-5

The first quarter-final game of the upper part of the draw was under control of Ukraine. Four goals during the first half demolished the ambition of the Polish team. Sorokin scored an important first goal in the third minute. That was a good signal for his team mates to raise the pressure on POL goalkeeper Blaszcyk who replaced an injured Krzyska. The first goal of Fedorchenko was also the first big mistake of Blaszyk who just blocked the shot from 15 meters and the ball went trough his legs in the net. N°4 Fedorchenko scored one more time in the first half after a fast contra-attack. Kiselyov scored his first goal during the last minute of the first half. The same player scored again after eleven minutes of the second half after a second mistake of Blaszyk. Poland played well this game but was not effective. Only Mojtas’ shot crossed the goal line after the combination of three players. The first semi-final will be between Ukraine and Brazil.


RUS vs. PORRUS – POR: 1-0

The second quarter-final started at 6.45 pm in the Sports hall “Spens 2” between the winner of pool C (RUS) and the second of pool B (POR). The first half both teams played with a well organized defence resulting in few opportunities on both sides. However, the Russian team scored after ten minutes by Prudnikov, the captain of the Russian team. The second half showed a very high level of futsal. A well organized Russian defence, supported by the excellent saves of Fayzullin and the deathly attacks that were the biggest problem for the Portuguese team.

BRA – ISR: 7-2

Brazil started the game against Israel nervously with no rhythm in the middle play and not enough pressure on their opponents. After three minutes Israel scored from the middle of the pitch. Brazil scored also during the first half by Wesley. Israel scored a second goal against a nervous Brazilian team after a defensive mistake putting a 1:2 on the scoreboard. Brazil scored the equalizer during the first half. The second half, the Brazilians regained their cool and over-powered their opponents scoring five more goals. Israel will play for the 5th to 8th place and Brazil will meet Ukraine.


KAZ Goalie PeremyshliSBR – KAZ: 5-4

Some of the supporters were still outside, trying to get their seat when Kocic (SRB) opened the score in the first minute of the game. Team Kazakhstan suffered a shock from this very first action but they recovered pretty quickly. They put on high pressure with two players and Nurghozin equalised the score. The chances went from one side to the other. Kazakhstan had a chance of a free kick after a fault of Savac, who got a yellow card. They just hit the post and from a fast contra-attack Lazic scored a goal – 2:1 for Serbia. Forty-eight seconds before the end of the first half Milosavac scored on goalkeeper Peremyshlin between the legs – 3:1. The second half the Serbian team was more concentrated on the defence. In the tenth minute, Kazakhstan captain Yessenamanov received a red card. The Serbs played a two minutes power-play and closed-off Kazakhstan in front of their goal. Several times they moved the ball around to prepare the position to score. Kocic scored and Kazakhstan continued to play with four players on the pitch. From this moment onwards, Kazakhstan played with a flying goalkeeper and scored two goals within the same minute by Taku and Dovgan – 4:3. Lazic kick the ball over the pitch in the empty net – 5:3. The match had very dramatic ending, with Kazakhstan scoring its fourth goal again by Taku – 5:4. Serbia will play Russia in the semi-final.  


Quarter Finals Lower Part for 9th to 16th Place

URU – GBR: 1-5

GBR started the game with a very good defensive tactics and direct contra-attacks from which they scored two goals by Morgan and Bettson. Uruguay was not effective and probably also not well concentrated in this game. During the first half Uruguay players lost the ball easily. The second half team Uruguay started to play better and scored a goal by Poittevin. Obasi Onua, Campana and Morgan again scored for GBR. The last team of pool C, GBR was very motivated to prove that their position and no victory in the pool stage was just bad luck. Final score 5:1.


FRA – CHN: 8-2

France opened the score in the second minute by Naouar, who opened his count on the shooting range. Four minutes later Tia and in the 8th minute of the first half Delicourt scored a second goal for “Les Bleus”. China was not a strong opponent but scored twice in this game. Goals of Hu and Peng were separated by a fourth goal of France, scored by Dominguez. The second half only two players scored the goals; two goals by Sainte-Claire and a second and third goal by Naouar.  


OMA – MNE: 4-6

Montenegro was also the team which hadn’t tasted victory yet. They put all their effort to this game and they succeed. The game was very dramatic; MNE team lead 3:0 with all goals scored after a nice combination by Radojicic and twice by Draskovic. Oman scored a goal in thed seventeenth minute by Al-Bulushi Samer. Team Oman had also a very good start in the second half when Al-Bulushi Murshid scored a second goal and Bait Said equalized the score. MNE scored the fourth goal by Draskovic. It was his third goal of the game. Three minutes later Loncovic shot from a long distance to the left corner of the goal. In the 35th minute Bakoc definitely destroyed the hopes of Oman. A goal by Oman three minutes before the end by Al-Bulushi Murshid resulted in the final score 6:4 for MNE.    


SVK – ARG: 5-0

Well-prepared and better motivated Slovak players joined the match against Argentina in a convoy of goals. The team missed Serbin, who collected a second yellow card in the match against Kazakhstan and just watched the match from the stands.Habaj scored a first goal when he fired a clean pass under the crossbar of the ARG net. Surprisingly, the ball was almost constantly controlled by the Slovaks, while the Argentines only shot mostly from afar and inaccurately. A strong shot by Rafaj in the nineteen minute found goalkeeper Julio Andres in his net – 2:0. The Slovak team started the second half by a heavy flow which resulted in a third goal. Rafaj found Brunovsky in front of the goal – 3:0. Kozar kicked the ball into the empty net after the great team combination – 4:0.  Thirteen seconds later Gabas scored last goal of the game – 5:0.

(Source: Michal Buchel, FISU Sport Manager)



 SRB vs. FRA

Women’s Tournament                    


FRA – SRB: 13-3

This game was played between two teams without any points. No-one wants to finish last and for France this had a special importance because if they would win they could play with GBR for the fourth place. The French girls started the game very well and after ten minutes led 5:0, when Robinne Margot completed a hat-rick, the other two goals were scored by Saidi and Bounouar. Mula and Hoehe scored between 12th and 14th minutes two more goals and Team France, satisfied with seven goals difference, slowed down. Feeling the opportunity, the Serbian players moved more often towards the French goal. In the nineteenth minute Banjeglav Jeleha scored for Serbia. Just before the players went to the changing rooms, Bounar (FRA) and Trajkovic (SRB) set up the score of the first half to 8:1 for FRA. The second half had the same story; the French team scored five goals in a row, by Robinne 2, Saidi, Mula and Clerc. Trajkovic (SRB) scored a second goal from the penalty point ending the game 13:3 for France.


GBR – POR: 0-7

For the Portuguese team this game was a very good preparation for their last game against Brazil. Portugal controlled the ball and tried many situations raising the self-confidence of the team. In each period POR scored three goals, Ferreira and Martins scored twice and Gomes, Morgado and Coelho once. With a comfortable victory the Portuguese coaches can prepare the tactics for Sunday’s “final”.


BRA – RUS: 3-2

In a tough match, the Brazilian team worked to overcome the strong marking of the Russian defence. The opponents went ahead with a goal from Margarita Semenova at the beginning of the game. But the technical quality of the athletes from Brazil came up with Vanessa, tying the game, and Lucilia who after a two marker dribble hit the kick to turn the score 2-1. In the second half, the Brazilian team remained in possession of the ball in the opponent’s court. But Russia continued pressing in the counter-attacks and was privileged with a goal against from captain Valeria. The Brazilians did not hit and continued the attack. Working on the wings, Brazil turned the game again after a cross-kick from Vanessa that hit the corner of the Russian goalkeeper. The Brazilians top the ranking tournament in Serbia with 12 points with Portugal trailing in second place in the ranking.


Ranking after the 4th Day

          Match   Pts.      Score    Goal Dif.

1. BRA            4           12      53:4          49

2. POR             4           12      37:4          33

3. RUS             4             6      10:8            2

4. FRA            4             3      18:22         -4

5. GBR            4             3      13:26        -13             

6. SRB             4             0      6:68          -62

Daily Results also on the web page:



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