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Home News 2010 WUC Futsal Update: Meetings and Opening Ceremony

2010 WUC Futsal Update: Meetings and Opening Ceremony

22 August 2010

CISCA Delegates


NOVI SAD Yesterday, August 22nd, the second day of the preparation for the World University Futsal Championship was focussed on meetings.

In the morning the CICSA meeting was held at the Hotel Arta. CISCA Chair Mr. Dias thanked to the OC president for the organization and preparatory work. The small details were discussed during the meeting but all functional areas are ready for the WUC Futsal. The Gerflor floor was laid in both venues and all markings were made according the latest FIFA rules.

After the meeting FISU CMI member Dr. Magalhaes met with the representatives of the Organizing Committee responsible for the medical issues. During the meeting they discussed about the doping control procedure during the WUC as well as about the medical assistance necessary for the futsal championship. The ambulance car will be at the spot permanently during the event and a nearby hospital is ready to serve whenever it is necessary.

The Referees’ meeting was also scheduled on Sunday at the Sport Hall “Spens”. During this meeting FIFA delegates explained the new changes adopted by the FIFA and the importance of the independence of the referees and wished them good luck and correct judging.

Technical MeetingIn the evening the General Technical Meeting was held in the auditorium of the Sports Hall “Spens”. The OC President welcomed all delegations and introduced the representatives of the OC involved in the key positions. FISU CISCA Chair Pedro Dias was introduced to the Heads of the Delegations as well as the CISCA members – John Warnock, Alvaro Leiva, Carlos Magalhaes and Fernand Bothelberghs. CT Chair Warnock informed the delegations about the rules of the tournament and delivered all necessary information regarding the WUC Futsal.

Then FISU Medical committee member Dr. Magalhaes took the floor and informed the Heads of Delegation about the medical assistance during the Championship. Doping control will be made during the Championship according the FISU Regulations and WADA Rules. After that the floor was given to the FIFA representatives Mr. Fousek and Mr. Rubio who introduced to the HoDs the changes within the Rules of Futsal.


Composition of the Technical Committee 

John Warnockl – FISU CT Chair

Petr Fousek – FIFA Technical delegate

Dr. Carlos Magalhaes – CMI Committee

Patrik Perosa – OC Technical Delegate


The three representatives from the participating countries to the technical committee are from GBR, POL and OMA and will be confirmed tomorrow before the first kick-off.  


Opening Ceremony

The Opening Ceremony took the place in the Sports Hall “Spens”. Well prepared by the Organising Committee, it started at 21h00. The Serbian anthem was played, flag of the host country hoisted on the pole which was a signal for the spectators and athletes that the ceremony begun. All participants enjoyed the march parade following their flags and banners with the names of the countries.  The teams were set up according to FISU protocol in the alphabetical order. All participants were warmly welcomed by the speakers as followed: the president of the Organising Committee Zoran Delic and by FISU EC representative, Mr. Pedro Dias, who asked the Mayor of Novi Sad Mr. Igor


The Mayor (l) opens the WUC

Pavlicic, to officially declare the 12th World University Futsal Championship opened. The first part finished by playing Gaudamus Igitur and the FISU flag was raised. After that the oath of the athletes was pronounced by a GBR male futsal player and the referees’ oath by the FIFA International referee from Serbia. The Cultural program was a performance of contemporary dance.

After the official programme of the Opening Ceremony all FISU Family guests, team leaders, judges and the members of the Organizing Committee were invited to the welcome cocktail organized by the President of the Organizing Committee. At this occasion Mr. Pedro Dias presented on behalf of FISU the Mayor of Novi Sad with a commemorative plaque for the hosting of the 12th WUC Futsal. The award was received by the Assistant of the Mayor Mr. Vitomir Vuckovic.


(Source: Michal Buchel, FISU Sports Manager)



OC President



CISCA Chair Pedro Dias


Athletes’ Oath


Mr. Dias presents the Mayor’s Asst. with a FISU Souvenir

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