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Home News 2011 SU Update: ‘Start Here’ to speak English

2011 SU Update: ‘Start Here’ to speak English

19 August 2010

SHENZHEN – “Let’s speak English,” Shenzhen Mayor Xu Qin announced at the launching ceremony of the “Shenzhen Speaks Foreign Languages” campaign at the 2011 Universiade One-year Countdown Ceremony.

The citywide campaign was organized by the city government to promote the English language for Shenzhen citizens to provide better service during the Games.

“Welcome to Shenzhen,” Xu greeted international guests at the celebration night.

Xu said a good English-speaking environment could bring the city and the world closer and facilitate international communication.

Li Yang, famous crazy English promoter, and a group of volunteers from the Beijing Olympics led the audience of about 30,000 people at the Shenzhen Stadium to speak the slogan of the campaign – “Start Here!”

“Training for Universiade Organizing Committee officials and Universiade volunteers began last August,” said Zhang.

A manual of frequently used English phrases to be used during the Games will be compiled by the company with tips for pronunciation and understanding.

Workers in public sectors such as taxi drivers, bus drivers, hotel and restaurant staff, and tour guides will receive English training. English language training had already been provided for Nanshan District police concentrating on phrases related to police work.

More than 200 English-speaking promotions had been conducted since January, attracting more than 30,000 citizens.

(Source: Shenzhen Daily)