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Home News 2010 WUC Boxing Update: Inspection Visit

2010 WUC Boxing Update: Inspection Visit

16 August 2010


ULAANBAATAR On August 10th and the second day of the two-day inspection visit for the 4th World University Boxing Championship in Ulaanbaatar, the delegation continued its meeting with Mr. Lambaa, Minister of Ministry of Health and Chairman of Organizing Committee with some members of MSSF and also the executive director of Mongolian Olympic Boxing Federation in the morning.

They started the meeting with preparatory work about the championship and the delegates gave feedback regarding the tour sight of the previous day visiting the new sports palace. FISU Technical Chair for Boxing Mr. Abdulmanov had an important meeting with the technical delegates and the referees of Boxing Federation Mongolia. They discussed and talked about the opening and closing ceremony as well as some necessary matters which the referees may face during the championship.

He also checked transportations and saw the AITIBUS shuttle buses which will be used for the participants.

In order to have a nice atmosphere for the championship the volunteers are extremely important. That is why Mr. Abdulmanov met with some delegations of volunteers who are supposed to work for the championship. He gave very valuable recommendations for the volunteers and made them understand why working as a volunteer is so important. “We are happy to be chosen to work as a volunteer for this championship and even tough some of our students may lack some experience to work, we will do our best”, said the delegation of students.



He continued the day with press conference which was held in Mongolian National Public Radio and Television with Mr. Jargalsiakhan, Secretary-General of the Mongolian Student Sports Federation (MSSF), Mr. Naranbaatar, the Chairman of Physical Culture and Sports State Authority of Mongolia, and other staffs from MSSF and also Mr. Uitumen., General-Secretary of the Mongolian Olympic Boxing Federation (MOBF).

The delegation ended the day with cultural events such as a visit to the Mongolian National Museum, Gandan monastery and enjoyed a performance by the “TUMEN-IKH” assembly. The delegation also visited the Mongolian Historical Museum. All WUC participants will receive a discount to the famous museum during the Championship which will be held from October 4th to 10th.

(Source: MSSF)



 Mr. Abdulmanov & Mr. Jargalsiakhan


With the volunteer delegates


Inspecting the shuttle busses

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