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Home News 2010 WUC Orienteering Update: Opening Ceremony

2010 WUC Orienteering Update: Opening Ceremony

20 July 2010


BORLANGE – All of the 31 competing nations participated in the Opening Ceremony of the 17th World University Orienteering Championship 2010 in Borlänge, Sweden. Contestants, team leaders, and other individuals that are involved in the event formed a parade that marched through the centre of Borlänge, accompanied by traditional Swedish music.

Mr. Bengt Nybelius, Chairman of the EAS-Network, welcomed everyone and opened the ceremony with the words, “Borlänge is a city where we love orienteering, and so does the University. That means that we have been longing for this moment where we now can open the 17th World University Orienteering Championship.”

A total of 309 participants from a record 31 countries marched together through Borlänge to where the opening ceremony was to take place.

Mr. Bengt Nybelius opened the ceremony by greeting and welcoming attendees, and presented the first speaker, Mrs. Johanna S:t Clair Renard (SWE), President of OC and President of SUSF. She talked about the importance of the following organizations to this WUOC: FISU, Stora Tuna OK, the City of Borlänge, Dalarna University, SUFS, the International Orienteering Federation, and the Swedish Orienteering Federation.

Team New ZealandMrs. Kairis Ulp (EST), Member of the FISU Executive Committee, was the second speaker. She talked about both the history of the World University Championship as well as the tradition of orienteering and wished all participants good luck in this unique landscape in Borlänge.

The Mayor of Borlänge, Nils Persson, declared the competition open, and the FISU flag was raised.

The Opening Ceremony also included local music and expressions of gratitude to Tove Alexandersson from Borlänge, who won gold in the Junior World Championships in Denmark this year.


(Source: Helena Olsson, OC)



Team Sweden, the host team


Team Japan


Team USA


In the morning of Monday, July 19th, the Model Event was held at Skräddarbacken, Borlänge. Information about the official test course was provided to the athletes, who were also given the opportunity to learn more about the the challenges that they will be facing over the coming week. Today’s preparations helped the athletes both to adapt their skills to important conditions that are typical to the Swedish environment, as well as to learn more about the maps and equipment that will be used throughout the competitions.

Leif Andersson, Team USA: “This was easy. We have a lot of different landscapes in the US. I´m used to more heavy rocks compared to the mossy ground here in Sweden.”


Team China trying out new shoes to adapt to the Swedish parcours

Athletes had come from as far as China to take part in the event, and in the morning, China was just one nation that tested the courses.  Mesmerized by the beauty of the Swedish landscape, the Chinese athletes stated, “Sweden and Borlänge are truly amazing; the nature and surroundings are just lovely. But it is very different from what we are used to back in China. The orienteering is most of all very different here. The courses are rougher and the terrain is hilly. We are very happy to be here and are looking forward to the start of the competitions.”