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Home News 2010 FISU Forum Update: Day 3 – Sub-theme ‘Women’s Leadership and University Sport’

2010 FISU Forum Update: Day 3 – Sub-theme ‘Women’s Leadership and University Sport’

23 June 2010



VIGO – Today, June 23rd, the FISU Forum moved to the campus of the University of Vigo for its third day of meetings. The morning session started traditionally with the presentations of the findings of the five different workshop sessions of the previous day.

Verena BurkAfter the presentations CESU Chair Claude-Louis Gallien gave the floor to FISU Assessor and Chair of the Women’s Committee Verena Burk. ‘This is a historical session for the FISU Forum’, Mrs. Burk said. ‘In the history of the Forum, it’s the first time a whole day session is spent on Women’s Sport.’ Indeed today’s sub-theme of the Forum is ‘Women’s Leadership and University Sport’.

Mrs. Burk took the occasion to officially launch the FISU Women’s Award 2011, announcing the deadline for the FISU member associations to send in their submissions, i.e. March 31st, 2011. The FISU Women and Sport Award is awarded to an existing project developed by a Federation, an Organization, an Institution or an individual. Special attention will be given to projects that could act as models for other countries, regions and/or continents.

Before giving the floor to today’s keynote speakers, the Vice-Rector of the University of Vigo presented his University which serves as the academic host of the 10th FISU Forum.

After FISU President Killian presented the Vice-Rector with a FISU souvenir plate to thank him for his hospitality in hosting the Forum, Mrs. Burk introduced the keynote speakers of today. ‘Women occupy fewer leadership positions than men in (university) sport, namely as employees and volunteers. What is the current situation on a national, continental and international level? Which are the reasons for that situation? What are the barriers to women in (university) sports leadership? Which practical solutions and programs exist to change this situation? Which role models and networks are present? To answer all these questions, to inform and to discuss a special session with the topic ‘Women’s Leadership and University Sport’.

The first keynote speaker of the day was MMarissa Langeniarissa Langeni (RSA). Mrs. Langeni, a former CESU member and USSA board member and currently the CEO of the South African Field Hockey Association talked about her own experiences and difficulties being a women growing up in a country that was torn by the apartheid system.

The second keynote speaker, Mrs. Silvia Ferro López is the Program Manager of Women Sport for the Spanish Superior Council of Sport. Mrs. López gave the Forum attendants insight in the Spanish situation on Women’s sport. The general idea of this presentation can be downloaded here.

After the coffee break two workshop sessions regarding women’s leadership in sport were organized in two language groups: one in Spanish, with Rosaura Mendéz (CRC) speaking on the topic, which can be downloaded here and one in English, with FISU Assessor Penninah KabengePenninah Kabenge (UGA) as speaker. Her thoughts can be downloaded here. After the speeches of both speakers, the floor was opened for discussions.

After the lunch break the attendants had the opportunity to participate in some sport activities. A badminton clinic was organized by the International Badminton Federation which recently became a partner of FISU.

Rosaura MendézFrom 18h30 to 20h30 the FISU Forum Fair was held. The Fair gives all delegations present to promote their federation and country in a promotional booth.


Christian Pierre, FISU Press Officer



 President Killian presents the Vice-Rector a souvenir


At the Fair …