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Home News 2010 FISU Forum Update: Day 2 – Educational and Environmental Awareness through University Sport

2010 FISU Forum Update: Day 2 – Educational and Environmental Awareness through University Sport

22 June 2010



VIGO – Today, June 22nd, the FISU Forum in Vigo entered its second day of meetings. CESU Vice-Chair Alison Odell invited the representatives of yesterday’s five workshops to present their findings to the Forum attendants. After their presentations, CESU Chair Claude-Louis Gallien presented today’s keynote speakers.


Professor Joaquín Gómez Varela, Ph.D. in Physical Education and Sport of the University of A Coruña, Spain presented a speech on ‘Education and Environmental Awareness through University Sport’. His thoughts can be downloaded here.

Second keynote speaker of the day was Rob Koehler, Director of Education and Program Development for WADA. Mr. Koehler talked about the ‘Strength of Partnerships in the Fight against Doping in Sport’. More of his vision can be downloaded here.Rob Koehler

Following on the theme of Doping, CESU Member Renata Bojczuk (POL) presented the ‘European Action on Drugs’, while Duarte Lopes (POR) talked about the upcoming ENAS Conference in Barcelona.

After the coffee break, the participants went to debate the second sub-theme of the Forum in workshops again: ‘Education and Environmental Awareness through University Sport’.



In the afternoon the presentations centered on FISU as an organization, the governing body of International University Sport. FISU Secretary-General/CEO Eric Saintrond presented FISU, its structure, activities and members. FISU Assessor and Chair of the Press Committee Leonz Eder presented the Media and Communications Strategy of FISU, FISU Vice-President Stefan Bergh talked about the Continental Associations, while 1st Assessor Malumbete Ralethe gave insight about Students in NUSFs, Continental Organizations and FISU. The afternoon session ended with a Q/A session.

In the meanwhile FISU Media mingled with the Forum attendants, listened to their stories and asked them the importance of being present at this Forum.

Jean-ClémentJean-Clément Rahamefy Rakotomanga, delegate of the NUSF of Madagascar: ‘For a country as Madagascar, which is a little bit isolated, it is of great importance to be here and to share and exchange experiences with the other participants.’

PalesaPalesa Bolofo, Sports Council Chair from the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa and still a student majoring in international relationships and politics and sports management thinks this event is the best ever. ‘Meeting all these different cultures and people is just great. Networking relations in sports and learning about how other countries organize their sports is what I like most. Apparently, we all have the same special interest in sports: looking for quality in officials, facilities and organization’, Palesa said. She very much likes the workshops: ‘Delegates lay their problems on the table and the group works together to find solutions.’

IsaacIsaac Mwangi, Secretary-General of the NUSF of Kenia: ‘Being here means a lot for my federation. Learning about strategic planning here will help us bring our federation to the next level. We are a young federation and this forum is really an eye opener. The workshops are great. We really can discuss issues we’re dealing with. We can tackle the topics that are affecting our nations and discuss it with others. One of the biggest challenges of our federation is to focus on increasing women’s participation in sport in our country.’

Alberto Gilardoni, President of the NUSF of Paraguay: ‘It is the first time that our federation participates in the FISU Forum and we want to learn how the Forum works as we have the intention to bid for the event to bring it to Paraguay in the future. This would be a great challenge for our Federation as we want to host more international events and increase the participation of Paraguayan students in FISU events.’

Christian Pierre, FISU Press Officer




In the meanwhile …

CESU Chair Gallien at press conference


CESU Chair Claude-Louis Gallien was present as one of the speakers at the press conference the OC staged for the local media: radio, TV and written press. Mr. Gallien explained the main theme and sub-themes to the gathered press.


Meeting with the Shezhen Conference delegates


Mr. Gallien also saw the opportunity to meet with the delegates of the 2011 SU Conference in Shenzhen with whom he discussed the 1st Conference Call.


FISU President Killian with Women’s Committee Chair Verena Burk


FISU President Killian attended the meeting of the FISU’s Women’s Committee which making the last preparations for the Workshop ‘Women’s Leadership and University Sport’ which will take place on June 23rd on the campus of the University of Vigo, which will host the Forum the whole day. The Workshop will be divided in an English speaking group and a Spanish speaking group.


Vladimir Leonov, President Killian and Rafis Burganov


FISU President Killian met with the new Minister on Affairs of Youth, Sport and Tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan Mr. Rafis Burganov. The Minister joined Vladimir Leonov, Director General of the Kazan 2013 Executive Board who is attending the Forum.