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Home News University Sports in Papua New Guinea Moves Forward

University Sports in Papua New Guinea Moves Forward

20 June 2010



PNG – PNG University Games is said to be the largest entity in the Papua New Guinea sports and it is growing bigger and getting better. PNG University of Technology is the hosting Institution this year with 10,000 participants to pass through the gates of the Taraka campus. 17 codes including the Debate on national issues is part of the PNG University Games for the evening sessions. 

For the first time the PNG University Games will have all six universities of Papua New Guinea come together to show the spirit of oneness, foster friendship and sharing knowledge along the course of their studies and interact with other tertiary institutions.

‘I am pleased to announce also that our Pacific Adventist University based in Port Moresby is attending for the first time with their Pacific Island Students from all the pacific island nations join us celebrate our games through unity in sports’ Ms. Molly Perry-Geno, the President of the Papua New Guinea University Sports Federation told FISU Media. ‘As the President of the PNG University Sports Association and being the only female officer amongst all my male counter parts from the other universities and tertiary institutions and members of our Association it is our desire to promote and bring sports development to all our 4 regions of our country. It is very challenging with our diversed culture and customs, we continue to serve the interest of the student body of Papua New Guinea National Union of Students Congress in PNG through their extra curriculum (sports and recreation) and work hard to earn the respect from my male colleagues and student leaders throughout the country.’

There are 4 regions: Port Moresby is in the Southern region; Lae, Morobe Province is in the MOMASE region; Rabaul, East New Britain Province is in the New Guinea Island Province; Goroka, Eastern Highlands Province is in the Highlands Province. The four provinces indicate the locations of the universities.

Planning Ahead

PNG would like to host the Oceania Regional University Games for the Melanesian Cup to be held at the NGI region in the East New Britain Province at the University of Natural Resources & Environment (Vudal Campus) in the academic year of 2011 to be followed by the PNG University Games in 2012. Plans are underway to meet with the Vice-Chancellor of the desired University and the NUSF’s major sponsor in the PNG University Games.


(Source: Molly Perry-Geno, President PNG University Sports Federation)