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Home News 2015 WU Update: Meeting in Granada

2015 WU Update: Meeting in Granada

10 June 2010

Juan Manuel Hueli, Aitor Canibé Sanchez, Leonz Eder, Guy Praplan, Francisco Sanchez Montes, Fernando Martin at the meeting in Antequera


GRANADA – At the occasion of the 2010 WUC Golf held in Antequera, Málaga, FISU Assessor and Vice-Chair of the Supervision Commission for the Winter Universiade Leonz Eder (SUI) took the opportunity to meet with leaders from the Organizing Committee of the 2015 Winter Universiade in Granada as well as with the Directorate of Cetursa, Sierra Nevada.

The new President of the OC, Francisco Sanchez Montes, accompanied by Fernando Martin, Chief of the Granada University Sport Service, Juan Manuel Hueli from the High Council for Sports of Spain and Aitor Canibe Sanchez, Head of the Spanish University Unit in the High Council of Sport, travelled to Antequera for a meeting with the FISU Representatives, including WUC Director Laurent Briel.

In the afternoon a second meeting was held in Granada, followed by a dinner, hosted by the Cetursa Directorate, Sierra Nevada. While Granada will host the ice sports, the snow sports will mainly be organized in Sierra Nevada. María José López, General Director of Cetursa and former Minister of Andalusia, and her Director Eduardo Valenzuela and Subdirector Susana Aragón, informed Leonz Eder about the planning steps and the coordination to be made until the next FISU EC meeting to be held in Brussels, in November 2010.

Leonz Eder, FISU Assessor & IPC Chair



 A view on Granada


The representatives from Cetursa, Sierra Nevada, together with FISU Assessor Leonz Eder and Guy Praplan, Adviser to Sierra Nevada