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Home News 2010 WUC Golf Update: CISCA Meeting

2010 WUC Golf Update: CISCA Meeting

7 June 2010

CISCA Meeting


ANTEQUERA – Saturday, June 5th, more teams arrived in Málaga-Antequera, including Thailand, Italy, People’s Republic of China, Chinese Taipei, Australia, Japan, Great Britain, France. Most of the other European delegations will arrive today.

The Head of Delegation of the Chinese Taipei Team at the accreditation with CIC Secretary Fernand Bottelberghs and WUC Director Laurent Briel The CIC under the leadership of Fernand Bottelberghs started the accreditation process which runs smoothly. The teams practiced on the driving range, because the official practice rounds on the course starts on June 6th and finishes on June 7th, day of the Opening Ceremony.

The FISU CTI Chair for Golf, Raymond Robinson, is very satisfied with the preparations in the Antequera Golf Club. The Organizing Committee, led by Pedro Montiel Gámez, is ready for the 1st competition day.

In the evening, the CISCA met for the general meeting and discussed topics like medical care, transportation, accommodation, media, aspects of the protocol and technical aspects. On behalf of FISU, CISCA Chair Leonz Eder thanked the Organizing Committee for their enthusiasm and dynamism. The University of Málaga has already hosted a WUC in Futsal and Judo, and the Antequera Golf Club is also very experienced in organizing important Golf tournaments.

Leonz Eder, FISU Assessor & Chair IPC




The Korean Team practising in the putting area in front of the driving range and club house


The two Australian players on the driving range of Antequera Golf