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Home News 2010 WUC Triathlon Update: CISCA Meeting

2010 WUC Triathlon Update: CISCA Meeting

28 May 2010

Team Chinese Taipei arrives at the airport

Valencia – Valencia, centre of a metropolitan area that reaches one and a half million inhabitants, is a city which faces the sea and which has the pleasure of hosting the 10th edition of the World University Triathlon Championship 2010.

This morning was dedicated to the CISCA meeting, chaired by FISU Vice-President, Mr. Stefan Bergh and attended by Aitor Canibe Sanchez, Head of University Sports, Higher Council for Sports Antonio Iradi Casal, Director of Physical Education and Sports Serive of Universitat de Valencia, giving an overall situation of the last preparations of this Championship to be held in the streets of Valencia on Sunday May 30th. .

The purpose of this meeting is the framework of the event. The agenda was approved.

The accreditation started on May 27th, with a total entries up to now of 15 countries so far, 28 male athletes, 12 female Athletes, 27 officials (total of 67).

37 countries are expected to come, from which Venezuela, Sweden, Macao, Paraguay, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, Guatemala, Cuba, Poland, Great Britain, Switzerland, Singapore, South Africa, Chili and Spain are already present.

All athletes are accommodated at Port Saplaya, where the competition will also take place.

Compared to ITU level, FISU athletes have very wide different level of performance and the decision has been taken that there will be no disqualification with overlapping in the bikes.

The CISCA meeting was followed by the Technical meeting in preparation of the General Meeting to be held this afternoon at 16h00. The General meeting will approve the official program with nominations of the 3 experts to the Technical Commission and the Nomination of the Jury of Appeal.

The day will end with a reception by the City of Valencia.

Nicole Mangelschots, FISU Asst. WUC

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