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Home News FEHSU Participates at Montréal Conference

FEHSU Participates at Montréal Conference

27 May 2010

Montréal – On May 25th and 26th, FEHSU Secretary-General Erby Beralte represented the National University Sport Federation of Haiti at the international conference regarding the reconstruction of higher education in Haiti after the devastating earthquake of January 12th, 2010. The conference took place at the Université de Montréal, in Canada and was an initiative of AUF, l’Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie.

Mr. Berlate was able to reconnect with the authorities of the different university centers but also to tell all attendants including representatives of the World Bank and UNESCO that university sport cannot be ignored when restoring the Haitian universities. The presence of the FEHSU representative at the conference was greatly appreciated.

The conference was attended by the Governor General of Canada, Her Excellency Michaelle Jean, who is from Haitian descent and the Minister or International Relations of Quebec Pierre Arcand.

Erby Beralte continues his quest to re-launch University Sport in Haiti after the catastrophe of January 12th. The FEHSU Secretary-General will travel to New York on June 5th to meet with a number of Haitian expat associations dedicated to contribute to put FEHSU back on track. Later that month, Mr. Beralte will also attend the 10th FISU Forum from June 20th to 26th in Vigo, Spain as a speaker, to give the academic world an update of the situation in Haiti after the earthquake.

(Source: FEHSU)



Erby Beralte

Erby Beralte & Alain Arconte (President universités francophones of the Caribbean & former Vice-President of the FFSU)