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Home News 2010 WUC Chess Update: Colorful Entries for the 11th Edition

2010 WUC Chess Update: Colorful Entries for the 11th Edition

20 May 2010

Zurich – Twenty nations have entered to date the 11th World University Chess Championship, taking place from 5 to 11 September 2010 in Zurich, Switzerland. The field reflects the universal interest enjoyed by the Royal Game all over the world. Apart from the classical chess nations from Europe, the Far East is excellently represented by China, Japan, Indonesia and Mongolia. Almost as strong is the entry from the Middle East, featuring Lebanon, Iran and Israel. Africa has entered Nigeria and Algeria. Countries from the Americas are so far absent from the list, but the Organizing Committee is confident that Brazil and Cuba will send in their applications soon.

The Swiss team has not yet been nominated in full. With some of Switzerland’s strongest U28 players being available, including International Masters Oliver Kurmann, Julien Carron and, in the women’s competition, Monika Seps, a worthy line-up by the home team is guaranteed. All in all, the organizers from the Réti Chess Club, the Swiss University Sports Federation (SHSV) and the Academic Sport Federation Zurich (ASVZ) expect about 160 players and officials to show up.

Men and women will play 9 rounds each in two separate categories. Individual world championship titles will be awarded as well as a combined team title. As in professional chess, Russia has been dominating in the past, winning five nation titles so far, with the other five going to China (2), Georgia (2) und Spain (1). The individual honor lists show a similar picture.

For more information on the World University Chess Championship, please surf to

(Source: Richard Forster, Media Officer 2010 WUCC)